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Comment Re:Good if they succeed. (Score 1) 132

Totally agree, but I should note that it happens the exact same thing in the private sector. Ive seen salesmen threatening customers to with dropping support for, say, the ERP, if they did not push a competitor out in an altogether unrelated section of the business like hardware, OS or even collaboration tools.

Oracle has a well earned reputation for being a company of assholes from the utter top to the lowest bottom (okay, i should probably exclude the cleaning staff): it shows in their sales but, worse, it shows in their service.

Comment Its a fucking mess.. (Score 1) 132

Ive worked with several fortune 500 companies that got into Oracle's Black Hole of DEATH. Classic propietary setup, even if you are purchasing open source service and expertiese. They do have the toughest salesmen youve ever seen since Saint Paul, ill grant them that, and the technology is not necesarily FUBAR. Much of it is FOSS or has a FOSS equivalent and it is standard's compliant if the end customer demands it (and they do: we have won that battle at least). And some of it is supperb, but not without plenty possible substitutes.

The problem with oracle is their ABISMAL service. My customers had (I quit this job fairly recently as an infrastructure expert after 14 years) multimillion, multiyear dollar contracts with them and still they pushed to sell more and more elements of their infrastructure products (even the fucking OS: some traded RHEL for Oracle's clone against our recomendation) toughly leveraging their products running critical bussiness applications to the point of threatening to suspend support for the apps if the client did not buy this or that other shitty thing.

I dont even mind the tough salesmanship. Bussiness is bussiness and salesmen will do their worst if they are any good at their job. In the end its very simple: oracle does not even try to build a decent channel and in my experience, does not have the staff to take care of their customers like they deserve (since, i mean, they paid). I wouldnt recomend them for anything else than the foss version of mysql but then there is mariadb....

Comment You like your burgers... (Score 1) 655

And I do too, dont get me wrong. They are good and it makes people fat and thats at least in some part, why your country are mine (Mexico) are on the brink of drowning due to the weight of our colective mass. However, we do eat insects, and they are fucking good. At least if you know how to cook them, and that we do. Three absolutely delicious dishes (that even americans would find good if they didnt know what they are), come to mind:

- Gusanos de Maguey, they are lightly sauteed in corn oil and mild spices, served with avocado, obviously freshly hand-made tortillas, and a set of nice green tomato salsas. This are worms that grow in maguey, which is a cousin of the same plant we make tequila out off.... cool, huh?

- Escamoles, absolutely delicious, id say this is the true caviar of insect dishes in mexico, and its expensive by the way. They are the eggs of a kind of ant and are sauteed in butter with parsely and very finely diced onions, maybe a very little bit of garlic. Also served with corn tortillas and very good salsa.

- Chapulines are a snack. This are a kind of wild crickets (we dont go hunting for them behind your sink, obviously), and they are cooked on the comal, the thingie we use to bake tortillas on the kitchen fire (kind of a round, flat pan). When they are on the fire, we sprinkle salt, lime juice, powdered pepper and just toast them there until they are crunchy, munchy and delicious. A pack of those can last a long time outside of the fridge and are a spectacular snack if your camping and doing outdoor sports and that kind of thing.

Now let me say that part of the eek factor of insects is that one imagines eating them raw. This is not how its done, people, you cook the suckers well, using good ingredients and you will never encounter any kind of eeky texture in your mouth. The texture in the case of the gusanos and the chapulines is much like a vegetable that has been toasted or sauteed, and the aroma is a bit tingy, yeah, but if the bugs are fresh, its combines very nice with the spices.

Finaly, people, if you ever go to Queretaro or a very good mexican restaurant in LA (ive heard of a oaxacan one "La guelaguetza" and anotherone from queretaro), and you dont have escamoles, you are a stupid asshole that deserves to eat out of a bag your whole life. Escamoles are a fucking fois gras (without the gavage).


Comment Re:If it really knew where it was... (Score 1) 496

Well as a product that you attach to your phone, they would have to provide an API so that developers can incorporate capabilites for the glass thingie in their apps, wouldnt they? Methinks you just get a little of the butthurt when the simplest critique of apple is made. I myself are an apple user. Im writing this from my mac, I have an iphone 5 and have spent a ridiculous ammount of money in the apple ecosystem. I sure love the idea of a HUD for my phone and some apps and you might or not agree with me, but imagine if it was so good (better than standard voice recognition, better than available voice command interface, supperb overlays) that it displaced the phone's display.

I dont know if it will be that good, but if it was, it could change the smart phone game.

Comment Re:If it really knew where it was... (Score 5, Informative) 496

Ok let me explain:

It is not a phone, it has (or shouldnt or will evolve to) no comunications capabilities beyond connecting to your already existing phone. It is a display, a voice gatherer and an api for your phone.

Its posibilities, if my assumptions are right, are endless and i do think that, done right, it could be a game changer. However, I also think nobody copies shit better than apple. If this works, you can be sure the iEyeEye (ay ay ay), will be simpler, stupider and more loved.

Comment Re:My Question (Score 1) 175

He did nothing wrong. He put some info out that was already public. Nothing, absolutely nothing wrong. And keep in mind he didnt get to trial. We dont really know if he wouldve won or not.

The thing is, if my parents told me they would have to sell their house to help pay for my legal fees because a butthurt-cause-of-wikileaks Obama prosecutor sees Voldemort in any computer-literate person doing what is right without hurting anyone or actually breaking any reasonable law, I would probably consider suicide as well. Not my parents nor anyone deserve to pay for what I did, even if it was right which it fucking most certaintly was.

Anti hacking laws in the US are incredibly idiotic, written by technically illiterate people with clear unreasonable technophobia engraved in their neanthertal microcortex.

For example, you americans wont be able to unlock your phones bought from today onwards without breaking the law. How is that for FUCKING STUPID?

Comment You are doing it wrong. (Score 1) 287

It doesnt matter which, it matters what. If you think MySQL has design flaws, fix them. That looks good on your resume. If you like or are interested on PostgreSQL then go and find what it need and fix it. That kind of low level hack-master job will get you hired in any company that does databases, not just postgres or mysql.

Comment Re:WTF is SCADA then? (Score 1) 104

SCADA is old and almost never replaced. It is the nature of the beast to not touch stuff that moves or monitors big and critical things. This is not a software engineer's idea, but an industrial/mechanic engineer's idea of how to work an indistrial facility. There is a gap in understanding between people that do the (really)hardware stuff in an industrial place, and the software people that make SCADA stuff.

But its all good IMHO because what is going to happen is that SCADA will get better, and believe me, it should. Every single SCADA ive seen sucks to the point of oblivion, they are all made with all four paws.

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