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Comment Hail to the uninformed (Score 5, Informative) 194

Is this a joke article? Please.
We've been using random mutagenesis for over 25 years now to improve seeds, and guess what, we improved our technology over time. Not only is the secondary mutation mitigated via thorough back-crossing, but these days technology moved that only the gene of interest is actually changed. Read some recent patents by Monsanto or Keygene for a clue. This article is fear mongering bullshit that would have had truth in it if it was written in 1975.

Comment And free ddos (Score 4, Informative) 141

The current problem with UDP is that many border routers do not check whether outgoing udp packages are from within their network. This is the base for DNS based ddos attacks. They are very difficult to mitigate on server level without creating openings for Joe job attacks instead... Standardizing on udp for other protocols will emphasize this problem

Comment as a non-American (Score 5, Insightful) 126

How the hell is this not industrial espionage? And then you expect me to host my backups in a US-based cloud or use US-based services like Office365? Apparantly these NSA-approved encryption techniques dont work so good when you're trying to shield from the NSA.

How about this cloud-based electronic laboratory-notebook software that is being pitched to pharma companies. These contain all the sensitive data before the patents are filed. Will that data be "shared" with my competition as well?

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
