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Comment Re:Can't Plan For What You Don't Know (Score 3, Informative) 199

The cars are labelled and in most cases the fire departments can quickly determine the range of product that might be inside and should be able to deal with it.

In the case of the Lac Megantic accident, the cars were labelled to be less volatile than they really were. If they had been correctly labelled, maybe someone would have objected to leaving the train unmanned at the top of a hill on the main line overnight.

Comment Re:Can't Plan For What You Don't Know (Score 1) 199

Wacko environmentalists made it virtually impossible to trim trees and/or cut them down in their advanced age and/or deceased state

That's an interesting twist on it. I would have said it was budget cutters who decimated the urban forestry budget. The trees on private land were in much better shape than the ones on public land.

Comment Re:Seems there's more ice than usual in the antarc (Score 2) 209

which in turn will allow England to cool to a temperature more in keeping with it's latitude ( North Dakota type latitude).

North Dakota runs from about 46 to 49 degrees north. England is 99.9% north of 50 degrees. It would be more accurate to say it's "James Bay type latitude".
You should be more careful when you're criticizing people for their ignorance.

Comment Re: It's not actually a problem. (Score 2) 120

That's because "data management practitioners" spend their time practicing data management. I bet if you asked the "data analysts" about it, they'd say most of the important work dealing with data is in the analysis, but they still need to waste 20% of their time on data preparation and integration.

Comment Re:Seems there's more ice than usual in the antarc (Score 1) 209

I will swear in a court of law that I did read things that were not there, and were no where in his linked graph. I read the reports it came from. Guilty as charged, you have found me out.

And the error (or is it intellectual dishonesty? I can't tell) comes when you attribute those things you read to someone who didn't say them.

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