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Comment Re:Oh look, it's mdsolar (Score 2) 249

Although I largely agree with your skepticism (and am intrigued by the sentence "Look up the French Revolution for an example of pretending that politics > math",would you care to expound on that?), I think your view lacks the perspective of the vast improvements that can be achieved with efficiency/ economy/ frugality.
A relatively simple ten percent reduction in the top ten energy using countries would alleviate a massive amount of necessary production.

Comment Re:Which? (Score 2) 249

I read it as "as other types of plants (i.e. Coal) are being closed or mothballed because they can't cover their operating costs, or to meet stricter environmental regulation".

i.e. "there's not enough clean energy being produced and some of the older other (non-nuclear) types of plants are as dirty/dirtier than nuclear"?

Comment Hello Grumpynerd? (Score 4, Insightful) 430

"Incomplete Documentation
Open Source nerds don't have the discipline to write documentation because it's no fun. Writing new code is fun. Fixing bugs in old code is less fun. Writing documentation sucks. Which is why most open source software is buggy and features little to no documentation making it useless to everyone outside of the authors".

Comment Terrorists in the 20th century (Score 2) 402

The first wide spread use of the word "terrorist" in mass-media afaik is in German second world war propaganda to describe the Soviet partisans on the Eastern front.
Every European with an inkling of historical knowledge is going to look at any state calling any group "terrorists" with at least a modicum of suspicion.

As an aside, does anyone else see some similarities in the current situation in the West-bank/Gaza and the Jewish uprising in the ghetto of Warsaw?

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