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Comment Re:Not wooden (Score 5, Informative) 82

Hi, jesse of keyboardio here.

As of this week, the editors actually have it more correct than our website. We'd been prototyping in wood. In between when the video was shot last month and when this got posted, we finally got our first "finalish" aluminum prototype made. The aluminum prototype was what we talked about publicly on Highway1 ( demo day and what we hoped to launch publicly. Once we had it in hand, we discovered a bunch of reasons we're not going to go with aluminum for production. (Mostly, cost, Weight, looking too much like an Apple product, weight, and weight.) We went back to the drawing board and believe we've got techniques, technologies and costs for commercial manufacture of a milled wood enclosure. We've been at OSCON this week, but should get the website updated soonish.

Comment Re:RT (Score 1) 321


3 seconds to iterate over the queue list sounds _broken_. I know you're no longer with that employer, but I'd encourage anybody else running into performance issues like that to bring them up on The rt-users mailinglist. There are plenty of folks who've probably seen and work through whatever it is that you're running into. And I'd much rather get scalability issues aired publicly in an rt-related forum where the community can work together to improve matters than have multiple sysadmins, DBAs and programmers struggle in silence.

Comment Re:RT (Score 5, Interesting) 321

Readers might want to take my comments with a grain of salt, as I'm RT's original author and chief architect. I routinely work with clients with RT instances that are well over 100,000 tickets. When using any large application at scale, you're going to need to invest time in performance tuning, but 100k tickets isn't "big" for an RT instance. With a single front end box and a single backend (untuned, but beefy) DB server, I've seen an RT server doing 10,000 tickets on a slow day, bursting to 25,000 with several million in the database.

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You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
