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Comment Re:Can't employees also buy shares in the company? (Score 1) 96

Google, like me, doesn't know what TIAA means. But yes one employee can't vote on much but if they all buy shares... It would be closer to a union.

Complaining about not sharing in company profits though is not what unions are for. It is supposed to be for fair and humane treatment of employees. Whining that your piece of the pie is not big enough is not what unions are supposed to be about.

Comment Re:Many thoughts, most unfavorable (Score 1) 157

There is no shoulder at all, the cyclist is supposed to stop in line with the cars and not pass illegally on the right. It really is quite simple, if you don't want a car turning right into you simply stay behind the car in front of you and in the middle of the lane so that the car behind you SEES you. Don't pass illegally on the right; cars can't legally do this and neither can your bicycle. I get if the shoulder is wide enough to do this there is some gray area, but many many many roads in PA have NO SHOULDER.

My scenario was all the cyclist's fault since they a) illegally passed on the right with not even a shoulder and b) rolled the red light. Passing a cyclist once on the road is fine, but doing it twice for the came cyclist in almost any trip means the cyclist is not following the law of the road.

Comment Re:Many thoughts, most unfavorable (Score 1) 157

In my region of PA we actually do move half way into the oncoming lane to give some room, and we also slow down and WAIT for oncoming traffic to clear before passing the cyclist.

But that still hasn't stopped some cyclists from rolling red lights and generally doing very selfish things. The best one was 10 or more cars stopped at a red light, this cyclist passes every one of us on the right, rolls through the red light and now when it's green we can't pass this cyclist for almost a mile due to oncoming traffic. Did I mention there are NO SHOULDERS on this road, even at the intersection? It only takes one or two stupid cyclists like this to anger an entire driver base.

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