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Comment Schroedinger's Cat (Score 1) 955

Sad that I've seen no references to this on /.

The end of season five was that experiment: is the cat alive or dead? When they "left" the island via a successful explosion, they all had to die w/o the island's grace. They had to find grace in themselves and their actions, w/o the island to act as a mediating force.

Yes, it's a sad reversion to Judeo-Christian ethics. Such is the way of Hollywood sentimentalism.

Otherwise, it mostly works. Except for fixing high-pressure hydraulics w/ duct tape. Oh, and jets can't taxi backwards w/o a pushing force.

Comment Canine standards are not intelligence tests (Score 2, Interesting) 472

I was with them until they ranked breeds by intelligence.

What they're not telling you (and most of the +3 posts on this thread would indicate that the posters know little of professional dog breeding) is the pedigree of the subjects under test.

I was especially disappointed when they chose to rank the Afghan Hound as one of the "dumber" breeds; which is sorting is such a human trait.

Those who know the history of the Afghan in Europe are aware the breed descends from a very shallow gene pool. Find the history of the breed written in the 19th century by "those who would be king" (Google books maybe?) to read the description of just how intelligent those imperialists found the long-haired variety.

Comment RoyMNH0977 post (Score 4, Interesting) 51

Re: traceroute logs:

It is apparent from the log that the operation has failed for the MediaSentry software, as the log shows neither the addresses nor names of the intermediary hosts nor realistic timings of packet round-trips between them and the MediaSentry computer. The fact that this standard operation has failed suggests flaws, or "bugs", in either the MediaSentry software, or in its system or network congurations, or both.

Karma for the post of this log. That should provide a few minutes of fun. I can only image what Dr. Bratus thought when he saw it.

Comment Thanks to the translators (Score 1) 82

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the translators, "riding between the post-houses", who've brought Lem to those of us less able to read Polish. I see that translation has been hit a bit about the neck and shoulders in replies to this review. Thanks to Lem and Kandel, I don't have (nor do I want) a security clearance, wince while stirring the contents of styrofoam coffee cups, quote Snow more often than is necessary, and see the Phools everywhere.
On another note: Penguin Classics edition of Calvino's "Complete Cosmicomics"
The Media

Journal Journal: WSJ gives free access to premium content

WSJ gives free access to premium content if you are being redirected from google, facebook, digg etc. Here is a dirty little secret. The entire content on WSJ is available to you for free, if you can trick WSJ into believing that you have been directed to their webpage via digg.com!

Comment Re:it was a commentary on a long running debate: (Score 1) 448

sure, they got rid of the squid, but peter jackson also got rid of mr. bombadil from lotr and no one seems to give him that much flak for that. both the squid and mr. bombadil are kind of completely out of context of the stories they inhabit, so really, no big deal

Only to someone who reads entirely for plot, or who identifies with the characters. The plot line is merely the skeleton on which the story hangs. That's why Bombadil could be cut from a movie that was merely a plot line of the original story. Please keep making movies: you don't understand why that character was important to the story of LOTR.

Comment Going w/ Prof. Samuelson on this one (Score 2, Informative) 324

From TFA:

While the registry's agreement with Google is not exclusive, the registry will be allowed to license to others only the books whose authors and publishers have explicitly authorized it. Since no such authorization is possible for orphan works, only Google would have access to them, so only Google could assemble a truly comprehensive book database.

"No other company can realistically get an equivalent license," said Pamela Samuelson, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and co-director of the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology.

Her analysis of Sony V. Universal is required reading. Other articles can be found here

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