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Comment Re:Timing is everything, and RMS is a jackass (Score 1) 1452

The vast majority of people see their computer as an appliance. It gets them funny videos of Maru jumping in boxes. It gets them email and pictures from their grandkids.

It streams audio and video and pr0n.

It lets people pay bills online and buy stuff online.

It is not wrong for them to see and use a computer as an appliance.

They are only "wrong" because you and your elitist attitude think so.

Whatever works for an individual is the "right" solution, no matter what you or I may think.

Yes, the computer is a marvelous thing. I have an apartment full of them.

I've been involved in this whole digital racket since before the Altair. I've programmed in just about all the common languages and some of the uncommon ones, as well.

I'm constantly downloading MIT's OpenCourseWare files and expanding my knowledge about almost everything I ever wanted to know more about.

I KNOW what a computer can do. I've made enough of them jump through hoops and dance to whatever tune I wanted.

And the simple fact is this:

The vast majority of computer users DO NOT CARE what you think of their opinion of what a computer "is".

And that attitude of "YOU'RE WRONG!", and talking down to people, will not help you convert them to your way of thinking about computers.

Comment Re:Timing is everything, and RMS is a jackass (Score 1, Insightful) 1452

Dammit! I have no mod points!

Indeed. "People want their computers to just work".

RMS and all the other Open Sores fanatics:

YOU are NOT the target audience for the iPod/iPad/iPhone.

YOU have NEVER been the target audience for the iPod/iPad/iPhone.

YOU WILL NEVER BE the target audience for the iPod/iPad/iPhone.

The majority of Apple users don't care a fat rat's ass about RMS, Open Sores, Linux, Ogg Vorbis or FLAC. They don't care that the POS Chinese plastic digital music player you bought from Hong Kong via eBay plays Ogg Vorbis files. They don't care that it shows up as a USB storage device.

What they care about is this:

One click, music is paid for, it's on the computer and in their iDevice. Seamlessly, problem free.

They care about the same experience when adding an app to their iPhone. They care that when they drop the iPhone into the cradle at night, everything syncs automatically.

They do not care what that hairy buffoon in Cambridge thinks. If the App Store's "Walled Garden" helps to keep malicious software off their iPhone, they see that as a GOOD thing.

They do not lament that they cannot run FOO.EXE on their iPhone, much in the same way that I do not lament that I cannot get DOOM to run on my microwave oven, nor Angry Birds to run on my old landline desk telephone.

Finally, they do not care about YOU or your opinions. And that, in the end, is what really pisses you all off. For all your posturing and bleating and chest thumping, you are ignored by the very people you deride as fanboys and mindless followers.

Funny how that works.

Comment Re:Welcome to Canada? (Score 1) 624

One merely has to wade through Google Images to find innumerable photographs of racist words and images culled from Teabagger rallies across the nation.

Senator Byrd was indeed a Klan member in his youth. Something he publicly regretted and apologized for innumerable times over the decades. Of course, if you have to point to the bones of Senator Byrd to prove that the Democratic Party is as racist today as it was in the 1800s, how do you explain a Southern Democratic President forcing the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act through Congress?

Lyndon Johnson, mid 60s. It was in all the papers.

Going back from that era less than 20 years, a Democrat from Missouri, Harry Truman desegregated the Armed Forces of the United States, and before that, FDR made the first efforts in desegregation when he banned the Pentagon from having separate bathrooms and drinking fountains for white and black, in defiance of the current Virginia law of the time.

I think you would have a very hard time producing a list of current KKK members who are registered voting Democrats that would fill more than one page, even using triple spaced, 36 point type.

But do continue the trolling, every time pathetic losers such as yourself bring up Robert Byrd as "proof" of the inherent racism of the Democratic Party, the majority of the American people get a good laugh out of your desperation.

Comment Re:Welcome to Canada? (Score 1) 624

"If my words encourage hatred towards a minority, I am committing a hate crime."

No, you're not.

"I hate fucking niggers!" is not hate speech. It's indicative of brain damage or being a Teabagger. (Yeah, I went there.)

"I hate fucking niggers, kill 'em all!" is hate speech, in that it is promoting murder against a defined group.

In my opinion. IANAL.

Comment Re:Misrepresentation.... (Score 2) 276

"The people want their cars. Cars are more than a means of transport - they are a symbol of freedom."

Indeed. I was on a mailing list back in the 90s that had a member who would go wonderfully and entertainingly ballistic when someone would mention the benefits and convenience of public transit, particularly in cities.

This person was, of course, your bog standard libertarian schmuckwad. Rather a racist, too, as his comments about buses and subways being "dirty and smelly, due to the dirty and smelly people that used them".

Mentioning the money saved from no need for insurance, gas, oil, maintenance, parking, et al, would send him into a frenzy about freedom to go where he wanted, when he wanted, while us socialists were content to wait for a bus or subway was proof positive that we were, in fact socialists.

I must confess that I found poking the schmuckwad with a stick periodically was greatly entertaining. The fact that I lived in Boston (and still do) merely added to his outrage.

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