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Comment Re:And the USSR trained "Anti-Tank Dogs" (Score 0) 79

Indeed they did. Of course they also liked to use infantry to clear minefields by marching them over them. You know, so the tanks could follow and not get blown up. Not too useful considering anti tank and anti personnel mines have different triggers. But while we're on the subject of abusing animals let's not forget the US Navy and it's suicide Dolphins. Sure they were supposed to swim away after attaching the mine... but I suspect the Porpoise was clear. Or not clear of the blast. It probably didn't matter.

Comment All good (Score 0) 236

I like to read real military history (I'm a war buff) but fiction is fine too. As long as it's believable. But I answered far future because there is no conflict with documented facts possible. It gives the writer and reader the most room for play and acceptance.

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