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Comment Re:Which is what, exactly? (Score 1) 2247

I'm guessing you're talking about the DoD? This budget is cutting $1 trillion, which is more than the DoD misplaces. This year's budget deficit is around $1.6 trillion, so a cut of $1 trillion really is on the order of the cuts needed. Also this budget proposal does cut some of that military spending you reference. So I think calling this "a little trimming" is disingenuous.

Comment Re:Which is what, exactly? (Score 1) 2247

Besides, your callous attitude would seem to lead to something like this:
"Why should I have to do anything to help anyone? Screw 'em." (later) "Eeek, I'm in trouble, why won't someone help me?!"

That's a common misconception of libertarian philosophy.

It's not an issue of not caring if bad things happen. It's an issue of the morality of using violence to take away someone's ability to voluntarily choose whether or not to do something. When you refuse to use violence, force, and threats to take that choice away from an individual it's not the same thing as saying any choice they make is equally good.

There's another breed of libertarian that focuses on utilitarian arguments, such as moral hazard and unintended consequences. For example one might oppose government flood insurance on the basis that forcing people not subject to the risk of flooding to take on some costs of those that choose to take that risk will cause more people to build and live in high risk areas. In essence the involuntary nature of the insurance causes more destruction and suffering in the event of a flood, than would have otherwise occurred.

Comment Re:nice, but still missing... (Score 1) 398

Except that if RAII frees the memory the pointer points at, and something else is using that memory, you've just broken your program.

If so then you're not really using RAII.

A) Yes, you can avoid sharing references, and that might use more memory than is necessary, but then again, for a specific problem you may not need copies and so it could be efficient.

B) Nice absolute there. Reference counting is a fine solution in many situations.

There are other solutions as well:

C) Use a non-reference counting smart pointer that allows resources to be passed around safely with no copying and no other overhead. See std::unique_ptr.

D) Share references in a well defined way such that they're never passed outside the scope where the object is accessible.

Comment Re:Then Why Are We Seeing the Same Negative Effect (Score 1) 844

They were a long way from worrying about whether we would have enough revenue to pay interest, even with the great recession.

As a matter of fact revenue is unquestionably greater than the interest payments. So I assume they're still a long way from worrying if there's enough revenue to cover interest.

and starting to tell your bank you won't be making your next credit card payment not because you don't have the lower interest credit line (HELOC) to offload the debt to, but because you simply refuse to.

Why are you suggesting that the only two choices are to borrow money or to not pay anything back? Are you sure there's no other choice?

The people talking about default are using it as a scare tactic, and it would be their choice to default or not, regardless of whether the debt ceiling is raised or not.

Comment Re:Then Why Are We Seeing the Same Negative Effect (Score 1) 844

Unless the revenue amounts to less than the payments on current debt then even in the case where they refuse to take on more debt they still have the income to make those payments and avoid a default.

So it might be better to say:

the only way for the US to default on their debt is if they "choose" to do so (in this case by refusing to pay their creditors out of existing revenue)

Comment Re:Wrong place (Score 2) 457

Can you imagine? Your ISP decides to give you a new prefix and you'd have to program it into your switches so they can talk to the right lightbulbs again.

You shouldn't be accessing them by IP address. You should be accessing them by service instance name, and that's under your control (and has reasonable, human readable, factory set defaults). Zeroconf takes care of the details of figuring out the hostnames and IP addresses for you.

Comment Re:Indeed (Score 1) 360

Altruism is also donating to charity, generally helping those less fortunate, doing any "good works" without expectation of recompense (monitary or otherwise), sustaining risk for the betterment, or protection of others... etc..

Not the way Rand defined it. If you're donating to a charity that you think does good work then she'd call it self interest. The recompense for the donor would be that the charity is able to do more of the work the donor thinks is good.

As I understand her definition, basically anything that promotes whatever an individual values is 'self-interest.' If you understand the definition she's using it's easy to see why she'd see being altruistic as evil, because by her definition is basically wasting resources on things that are worthless, or destroying something that's valuable for no good reason.

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