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Submission + - Alan Mulally Staying At Ford Through 2014, Dimming Microsoft CEO Chances

rjmarvin writes: Previously rumored as one of the frontrunners to replace Steve Ballmer as Microsoft CEO, Ford's Alan Mulally's chances just took a big hit Ford board member Edsel Ford II, great-grandson of founder Henry Ford, told Bloomberg today that Mulally is staying with the company through the end of 2014. If Mulally is out, the other candidates topping the CEO shortlist include Nokia's Stephen Elop, current Skype head (and reported Silicon Valley favorite) Tony Bates, and Microsoft’s cloud and enterprise chief, Satya Nadella.

Submission + - A Developer's View Inside Google Glass

rjmarvin writes: As Google Glass inches closer to consumer release and more Glassware development opportunities emerge, Google Glass Senior Developer Advocate Timothy Jordan delves into the differences between the GDK and Mirror API and how developers can best utilize them to build Glassware apps. Jordan also lays out tips and lessons for developers from years of working with Glass, and talks about what makes the platform unique and his vision for what it could mean for the future of effortless technology.

Submission + - and the Big Data Gaming Revolution

rjmarvin writes: is taking the 70 million registered players in World of Tanks (with 3 million daily games) and turning their data into actionable business intelligence translated into subtle changes in gameplay. It's Big Data transforming the game development process. Using Hadoop, Oracle, R and Tableau, developers led by's head of global business intelligence Craig Fryar harness and analyze player data to improve user experience, answering balance and design questions while rolling out new features and using the Big Data solutions to figure out where problems will occur in World of Tanks before they happen.

Submission + - Cyber Monday Sets Online And Mobile Sales Records, iOS Decisively Beats Android

rjmarvin writes: Yesterday's Cyber Monday shattered 2012 marks to break records in total online and mobile sales. Mobile accounted for 31.7% of all online traffic and over 17% of online sales, 45% and 55% increases from last year, according to the IBM Digital Analytics Benchmark report In the war within for the lion's share of mobile, iOS defeated in Android in all three battles for online traffic (22.4% to 9.1%,) sales (14.5% to 2.6%) and average user order ($120.29 to $106.70.) Overall this year's Cyber Monday was up 20.6% from last year, capping a record five-day shopping period.

Submission + - Red Hat releases OpenShift Enterprise 2

rjmarvin writes: Red Hat's Version 2 of OpenShift Enterprise is widely available today According to Red Hats OpenShift general manager Ashesh Badani, v2 offers developers automated PaaS provisioning in an on-demand, scalable environment. Its new, advanced admin console improves service delivery while data center integration handles IT operations.The first four service platforms handle applications, integration, business-process management and mobile, according to Red Hat director of product marketing, Pierre Fricke. The integration PaaS includes Fuse Service Works, a superset of JBoss Fuse replacing the old SOA platform, which Fricke believes could help move organizations to a hybrid cloud scenario.

Submission + - Isis2: A New Open Platform For Data Replication In The Cloud

rjmarvin writes: Cornell computer science professor Ken Birman has created a distributed open-source system called Isis2, a data replicator built to run services on cloud platforms like Eucalyptus and Amazon EC2. Isis2 is based on Birman's original idea: to create the ultimate library for distributed computing that's as easy to use as the GUI builders his students use in their first course on object-oriented programming. In contrast to NoSQL and Amazon Web Services, Isis2 is a library with a strong ACID consistency model, and as such can enable reliable, secure replication of data even in the highly elastic first tier of the cloud.

Submission + - Black Friday Smashes Online Shopping Records For Consumer Electronics

rjmarvin writes: 55% of the almost 39 million adults who shopped on Black Friday and bought consumer electronics this year did so online, a 10% gain from last year and a new record, according to the Consumer Electronics Association’s annual Black Friday Survey Among the 35% that bought CE products, tablets were the most popular purchase at 29%, then headphones at 24%, video game hardware at 21%, smartphones at 19% and computers at 17%.

Submission + - Software Development For the Age of Technological ADD

rjmarvin writes: Inattentiveness to what goes on behind the screen--the development and UI design enabling users instantaneous command of their devices--has pervaded software in something called Technological Attention Deficit Disorder, or Tech ADD Tech ADD impacts the recruitment and management of newly graduated developers, reprogramming and deprogramming their mindsets to recognize and appreciate the tools and frameworks behind robust, scalable apps. Tech ADD can be adapted, controlled and applied to fuel software innovation, but first the inability to focus on tasks needs to be corrected, and common consumerized notions of falling ass-backwards into the next Angry Birds without putting in the programming work behind it need to be dispelled.

Submission + - Why Developers Are Feeling Confident

rjmarvin writes: It's a good time to be a software developer, or so say software developers. New statistics from Randstad Holding show that IT worker confidence is up, perception of job availability is up, feelings of employability are up, job security confidence is up, and more in a laundry list of third quarter developer sentiment. Is the job market that good? Maybe, but developers' glasses are rosy-colored as can be.

Submission + - Google's $10 Method For Scaling Apps From Zero To 1 Million Requests Per Second

rjmarvin writes: In the Google Cloud Platform services and Amazon Web Services dogfight for cloud supremacy, Google just landed an uppercut. Google performance engineering manager Tony Voellm laid out a sustained method for scaling a cloud application deployment to handle a million requests per second, within five seconds after setup. GCP's Compute Engine Load Balancing method offers simple APIs and allows a single IP address to serve all traffic, avoiding DNS troubles and 404 errors using the open-source tool curl_loader and Apache v2.2.22 on Debian 7.1. It's Amazon's Elastic Load Balancing without the premium support agreement, and setup and testing only costs $10. Your move, AWS.

Submission + - Richard Sheridan on the "Menlonian Way" of Software Development

rjmarvin writes: Menlo Innovations, and its CEO and founder Richard Sheridan, have a unique approach to designing, programming and delivering software projects. The entrepreneur and lifelong coder explains what makes the "Menlonian Way" development practice different from agile and lean development, and how Menlo's "anthropologists" shape UI design.

Submission + - Docker 0.7 Runs On All Linux Distributions 3

rjmarvin writes: Docker 0.7 was released today, with 7 major new features including support to run on all Linux distributions. No longer capable solely on running on Debian and Ubuntu Linux, Docker 0.7 adds support for distributions such as Red Hat, SUSE, Gentoo and Arch. Other major features include storage drivers, offline transfer and advanced port redirects.

Submission + - Google Nixes The Whitelist, Opens Glass Mirror API To All Developers

rjmarvin writes: Google is ramping up developer involvement before the impending early 2014 consumer release of Google Glass, eliminating its longstanding whitelist to release a Glass Mirror API to any and all developers. It allows the developer population not among the lucky few to get their hands on Glass hardware and the GDK at exclusive hackathons to develop Glassware services like managing the timeline content display cards.

Submission + - Mobile Developers Building Windows Phone Apps To Double In 2014

rjmarvin writes: 32% of mobile app developers plan to support Windows Phone in 2014, up from 16% a year ago. A recent poll from Strategy Analytics surveyed more than 1,600 mobile developers and almost a third are committed to developing for the Microsoft mobile platform. Windows Phone is still trailing far behind Android (84%) and iOS (64%,) but Microsoft is beginning to close the gap. Other growing platforms include HTML5--up from 33% to 43%--and Firefox, which has more than tripled its number of developers from 3% to 10%.

Submission + - Coding Artists Use Programming to Create Mind-Bending Digital Artwork

rjmarvin writes: Artistic expression based in coding and programming is experiencing something of a quiet renaissance Artists experimenting with different programs, processes and programming languages are creating uniquely captivating digital works that experiment with the constantly evolving tools of software development. Artists like Adam Ferriss, Raven Kwok and Nick Briz use everything from pixel sorting algorithms and optical flow to generative animation and manufactured glitches to combine coded visuals and often audio elements in creating immersive, psychedelic artistic experiences.

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