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Comment Re:level 1 to level 3 (Score 1) 274

If you're using the recorded details of the two known Level 7 Incidents, Fukushima's still not QUITE as bad as Chernobyl by the numbers. The thing is, though, it's going to probably have a farther reaching impact than land-locked Chernobyl- and it's still not over with (they can claim it's a new incident with this "leak", but it's still part of that level 7 that started with the Tsunami.) and it's reaching the 1/6th the total radiation at this point and no signs of being over and has signs of possibly being worse or getting worse than they're claiming.

Comment Re:fair use (Score 2) 215

Sue 'em for breach of agreement. Quite simple, really. Much like the horse boarding facility in Texas found out- you breach the agreement on YOUR end, you can't expect anything from the other party in return.

Here's some of the news involved with what I'm talking to:

Court Affirms Judgement Allowing Boarders to Move Horses Due to Stable Employees Smoking In Barn

Comment Re:Greed knows no bounds (Score 2) 164

Actually, they allow it- you just can't register the foal in the AQHA registry at that point.

You'll see part-bred Arabians all the time and the AHA allows them to be registered as Partbred-Arabians in a seperate segment of the whole registry.

Why would you want to do this? Simple. You very often get the best of both worlds when you do it. It's just not a breed unto itself and won't "breed true".

Comment Re:Ok, sure... (Score 1) 164

Nature sets the stage. Nurture turns it into the product they are trying to clone.

Unless the clone goes through the exact same process of growth, training, etc. it's not going to be the same horse. Genetically, it will be- but it won't show/race/etc. the same way as the original.

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