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Comment Stop quoting Groklaw for crissakes (Score 1) 387

Groklaw is an obviously anti-patent site. Don't quote them as authority on mainstream patent law.

The whole point of this article is that the average juror isn't smart enough for these cases (forgetting the 7th Amendment).

Now we have a foreman with a patent, and he's too smart? Catch-22 much? I guess we need these ivory tower philosopher kings to administer your "software and hardware should be free, fuck Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution" ethos.

"The foreman told a court representative that the jurors had reached a decision without needing the instructions."

Fucking lie. Stop relying on Groklaw and listen to the actual foreman's interview:


Comment CEO's do not equal rank-and-file employees (Score 4, Insightful) 272

So, why not reassure those worried about the situation by publicly tracking Page's location via Maps Coordinate?

Uh, because there would be no point? What does the CEO's location have to do with stock performance?

And I'm no Google fan (I'm an Apple stockholder), but there are obviously some security issues involving the whereabouts of a famous billionaire CEO (e.g., kidnap and ransom?) that don't apply to the rank-and-file employee.

Comment Your ethics are my ethics? (Score 1) 559

Quite presumptuous. Right or wrong or a matter of opinion, your ethics are not mine, and therefore not "ethical." It sounds like you are some left wing guy, and I admire you for trying to walk your. But your ethics are not mine, and your assumption thereof is arrogant. As an aside, it is funny that you expect to be paid, an ethical leap for such a principled man.

My ethics say you should work for Big Pharma and the DOD. Work for you?

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