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Comment Re:It should start later, esp. for high schoolers (Score 1) 161

High school in my suburban town starts well before the butt-crack of dawn, for much of the year. The bus picks up kids on my block at 6:30 am, and it's not a long ride.

But then, my Mondays start at 4:00 am, when I get up to drag my ass to Scranton for the first three days of my week, so fuck 'em. :-)

Comment Re:Motive (Score 1) 282

I knew the Iraq war was nonsense when I was listening to Colin Powell lie to the world at the U.N. Don't know whether you realized it at the time or not.

You seem to have (willfully?) missed my point. The nonsense you're spewing about North Korea is more neo-con fantasy, similar to that the Bush administration did for Iraq. Except yours is even farther out in space. Unless I'm missing a troll, you're fruity as a nut cake.

Comment Re:Motive (Score 5, Insightful) 282

No, I wouldn't...

But I wouldn't mind sending our forces in to remove the North Korean government... ...A simple 2-3% tax on corporate earnings from the new United Korea until the cost is repaid, including a healthy payment to the family of any US solder who dies.

Nothing too big, so that it isn't painful enough to cause problems, but something to show that they have to do their part in paying for our services.

"The Iraq war will pay for itself." Dick Cheney, is that you?

It still gives me a little shock when I see someone express such breathtaking arrogance and ignorance.

You added a new twist, though, I have to hand it to you for suggesting that we levy a tax after "liberating" North Korea, to *literally* pay blood money to families of soldiers who die.

Most of the United States' problems around the world are exacerbated by the enforcer mentality behind much of our foreign policy, and you want to turn the U.S. into an openly mercenary state.

Bravo, sir, bravo. Tell the orderly to stop stealing your meds.

Comment Re:youmail (Score 1) 237

I use youmail for my VM provider. its great because I get texts if i want, transcripts if i want, emails if i want. I tend to stick with the emails (texts before my smart phone). I for the life of me cannot tell you the last time i actually listened to a VM, if i see you called, and i want to talk to you, i call you back.

Im sure other companies offer the same features, i know google does but to this 29 year old, this is spot on information

29? You aren't exactly a spring chicken...

Yes he is. And I infer from your post I would consider you to be a fetus.

Comment Re: 40 is an artificial boundary (Score 1) 286

Which is fine, because I'm only entertaining them for a bit of that young ass. All relationships are about what the other person has to offer. Anything else is charity work.

Wow, that is so... sad.

Many (probably not even most) relationships are supposedly built on love - "Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." Heinlein was pretty sexist and racist, but he sure got that right.

My marriage is older than the grad students you fuck, and every year is better than the last. Don't worry, you still have time. Like Iggy Pop said, "If you're crying for love, well that's okay don't sweat it, if you're crying for love, then there's still a chance you'll get it."

Comment Re:It's my birthday today! (Score 1) 286

I will complete my 48th trip around the sun on the 20th of next month, and I am still not feeling any significant aging effects.

I think my secret is being happily single and not having any kids.

I think you have it half right. I'm over 5 years older, feel great, and I attribute that to being deliriously happily married... and not having any kids. Oh, and lots of exercise.

Comment Re:It's my birthday today! (Score 1) 286

Ha ha! Speak for yourself!

I'm in my early 50's, and since I moved to a larger house in the suburbs, I put in an exercise room with weight and cardio machines, and I built an addition for an indoor exercise pool. I'm in better shape now than I have been for decades.

I went for a bike ride recently with a friend who is less than half my age, who was on the swim team in high school, but let himself go a bit. I was shocked on the really steep "fun" hill at the end of the ride (my favorite part) to look behind and see him nowhere.

The only concession I've made to aging so far is coloring my graying hair and beard. Age discrimination in business is real.

Comment Re:Marketing? (Score 1) 239

And how many did the US kill (ostensibly) over 9/11? Millions?

Certainly not millions. If you include those civilians accidentally or mistakenly killed by the U.S. forces, plus the actual targets they were aiming at, I'm pretty certain it was far less than 200,000.

Still, that's a sickening number of humans to destroy so your defense contractor friends can make a... er, killing, as it were.

Comment Re:Marketing? (Score 2) 239

...At least this way the focus on finding and killing the hackers as gone up.

This caught my eye. Really? We've decide to kill the hackers? Somehow I don't think the president would sanction killing people who have not physically hurt U.S. citizens as a "proportionate response".

I was writing that last sentence seriously, but then thought, "hey, this is the president who ordered the killing of a U.S. citizen who just made some YouTube rants - of course he'd consider killing them.

But actually, no. The president will not order, or sanction, the killing of the douchebags who hacked Sony.

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