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Comment Re:Is this the point in time.. (Score 1) 712

You're wrong. For the last five years my wife is a happy CentOS user. And as non technical as you can get it.

CentOS is a fine workstation distro but a terrible desktop distro. IMHO of course.

Also, my wife is a happy Windows 7 user and although she may have acquired a few skills from what I've taught her, she's hardly a geek and somehow manages to do things just fine. PLUS she can use Office 2010 like everyone else and play the Sims 3. Try that using Linux!

Actually it's stuff like that (you know, the applications) that mean I'll never convert to Linux. I've given up - not going to force my wife, a teacher, to move to an inferior application (LibreOffice, which let's face it is the best of the free alternatives but sadly lacks in many areas) just because I have a hard-on for a fucking operating system.

Comment Re:Define "No True Scotsman" (Score 1) 391

Well you clearly aren't supposed to be posting here. This is supposed to be a place for geeks and nerds (or so the slogan goes), but you're just a "user" if a thin client is all you need. Go away scum!

Note: I'm mocking of course (well, somewhat), but it doesn't sound like you have any real interest in computers anymore if you're actually satisfied by thin clients. Servers might be able to do some of the heavy work but there's value in having local resources in front of you as well, at least in my line of work. A geek wouldn't relish giving up all that for a dumb terminal, would they?

Comment Re:Archer? (Score 5, Informative) 236

Obviously someone cares, otherwise Valve wouldn't be throwing resources at an apparently dead market. Oh, and I care. That's at least one person.

As for the Dell-Alienwar announcement, ArsTechnica covered it. They're ultimately a far better tech site than Slashdot is, but I think Slashdot has a better selection of commenters.

Comment Re:Radical (Score 1) 154

Any particular reason you had to be so dramatic? It's not necessary to make your point. It's fairly straightfoward really: the bad guys always win; it's a fact of life. They have more money and power than good, honest, moral people will ever have, The best you can do is hold them off as much as possible, but eventually, anything that can be locked down, will be. Anything that can be done to ensure people are kept dumb and mindless consumers, will happen. I know this, because it's happening to me too despite being aware of what I'm becoming.

It's very hard to fight against those that want to take away your freedoms, and with all the pressures and problems in normal adult life, most people don't have the luxury to fight all the damn time against such things.

Comment Re:I've been playing it since yesterday. (Score 2) 149

You forgot the lack of manual saves (quicksave or otherwise). Whenever someone complains about checkpointed save systems, invariable someone chimes in and suggests that continually pressing F5 is hardly an improvement. What the said smartarse fails to mention is that pressing F5 ensures you've saved NOW, and hence can safely quick the game knowing it's going to load exactly where you saved and not a checkpoint 5-10 minutes ago.

It also means you can experiment more with situations, try out various weapons or tactics or ideas since you can just save manually before doing so. If the lack checkpoint was a while back, the enthusiasm to experiment deteriorates if you have to progress through scripted sequences to get back to where you started messing around.

Oh and of course, no-one said that a checkpoint AND manual save system couldn't be implemented. Games like Deus Ex - Human Revolution and even Half-Life 2 have this feature, and it works great for both types of players. But apparently to some idiots, if you complain about checkpoints you must be a save-smasher.

TL;DR - people suck on the Internet and are unable to form a argument unless it involves belittling other people.

Comment Re:PayPal Uses OpenStack (Score 1) 286

"We are moving to the cloud powered by OpenStack to enable agility, availability and the innovation necessary to get the best products to our customers, faster than our competitors."

Is there some kind of disease in which anyone who reaches a high enough level in the corporate world is required to talk in brain-dead marketing/buzzword speak?

Oh, and what product(s)? PayPal is a payment processor for online merchants. That's the only product anyone's aware of that they make.

Comment Why mention Linux? (Score 1, Insightful) 160

Linux is mentioned twice in the summary. Is there a reason why? We all know Linux has major use in the embedded and scientific world, this isn't a secret. Are people still desperate to mention Linux anywhere as some form of validation that they chose the right decision to stick with it or something?

I thought Linux had "won", or something. If that was the case then it shouldn't be necessary to circlejerk the name anymore.

Comment Re:Flash (Score 1) 209

Actually nevermind. I read your profile history - the vast majority of your posting style is a mix of passive aggressive and confrontational. You don't like to just discuss things - you want to make it clear that your opinion is right and the poster you're responding to is an idiot.

Is this just how you act on the Internet or are you as much of a dick in real life? Why the fuck can't you act a little respectfulness when posting? God know the Internet is a cesspool already; don't need to piss into it yourself.

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