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Comment Re:Ridiculous (Score 1) 584

The requirement is that the book has to be available as an in-app purchase. There's no requirement I've read that the price has to be the same. If someone wants to pay 30% more for the book off of an in-app purchase, that's their business.

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

Incorrect regarding concealed-carry permits. Concealed-carry permits still exist in Arizona. They are not necessary for purposes of concealed-carry. However, a resident may opt to get a permit for purposes of permit reciprocity when traveling to other states.

Getting rid of permits entirely would be a terrible thing for Arizona residents.

Comment Re:iTunes policy won't work on the desktop (Score 1) 754

The fact that there are a couple of significant players and several smaller ones give the Android marketplace a level of survivability that a single competitor would not have.

Survivability of Android or survivability of the hardware makers? What kind of survivability? Gateway still survives, so I hear. Is this survivability good?

How about Windows? It still survives. That's good right?

Comment Tin foil hats on (Score 1) 1128

I'm betting that this is actually part of Palin's nefarious plans to win the primary by convincing Democrats to get her on the Republican ticket. I'm not sure what the second half of her evil plans are but I think the big picture looks like this:

1. Get Democrats to assist with primary
2. ???
3. Become President.

Comment Re:Immature and Gun Happy (Score 1) 1141

I know for sure that I do not need a gun to protect myself over here.

How did you determine this? What's the police response time to your location from the moment you make a call? Here in the US, the response time for a call is 10 minutes as the national average.

Can you stay alive with for 10 minutes or however long it takes for the police to arrive at your location?

Recently here in the US, it took the police 45 minutes to respond to a kidnapping/home invasion where $15k was stolen, the house was burned, and everyone except for the husband was killed.

Are you sure your police force will arrive in time to save you? Willing to bet your life on it?

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