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Comment tests are not failing (Score 2) 100

The tests do the job that they are designed to do. They just don't given an outcome that modern leftists want, so they decided to remove the test, instead of asking harder questions (cough, culture) about why various groups underperform. But, that would be actual work, so we can't have that, can we?

Comment slashdot is now the home of racism and stupidity? (Score 0) 288

The whole medical agreement is not in agreement. If anyone tries to examine information based upon facts, it gets suppressed. Remember when this one was censored https://news.yahoo.com/stanfor.... You can barely find a trace if it now.

Also, your racist pejorative about the "demon doctor" is just ugly. In stead of discussing the medical facts that she put forward, you dismiss and fall upon racial name calling. You are beyond small minded and lazy, and unworthy of these forums

Comment Again, low standards on /. (Score 3, Insightful) 288

Why is this upvoted? Why is this interesting. Aside from religious fervor, this is demonstrably not true.

In the last several years, the major network carried hysteria about Trump/Russian collusion, which was pretty much all proven to be untrue. The speakers who took the airwaves, suddenly changed their stories when in front of the court, and lying has a consequence. Do you change your belief in such networks after lying? Apparently not.

There are many such examples. The press that you are lauding is at least as wrong as Fox, and likely more so. But, it's easier to keep attacking that straw man.

If you are even mildly observant and somewhat intellectually honest, you would understand the science and understanding of things related covid is not rock solid. You could tell this just by reading nothing other than the cdc, and watch it contradict itself sometimes on the same day. An adult would understand that this stems from people working hard to get a handle on what is going on. The children who post these days on slashdot turn it into a team sport and think suppression of open discussion and information exchange is a good thing.

Comment Paradise lost (Score 0) 304

There are many ways to alter statistics to make things seem good. But, if everything in this article is true, then why did California lose population?


In a way, I wish the article was true, because currently Ca's major export is people...leaving to fuck up other states. Remind me, what is the word for an organism that eats the host, then flees to new bodies..

Comment why? (Score 1) 90

When you get down to it, the only reason to like avatar is all nice shiny and colorful things to look at it. Even for that, you have had to never play world of warcraft and seen Zangermarsh, which Cameron clearly ripped off. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=zang...

The story is mediocre. The plot and world view is simplistic and naive. The physics is all wrong. There is very little that should appeal to a member of a website that proclaims news for nerds. Nerds are smart, Avatar isn't. So why care about the sequel?

Comment Amazing number of Racists on slashdot (Score 0) 287

I was truly floored by the amount of ugly racism in this thread. I am deeply ashamed to be apart of a community this bigoted.

Dr Immanual is a literal African American women. She was born in Nigeria, and immigrated to the U.S. She is from a different culture and does not share all your beliefs. For this you mock her.

It's pretty funny. Many on these forums preach tolerance, but in real life, you are the furthest thing from it. When you say tolerance, what you mean "people who agree with what you think." This is not what that word or idea means. Tolerance means that you celebrate the wonderful belief and perspective of others, not denigrate it. It means deeply understanding that no one has complete knowledge of the world, and by walking in other people's shoes, you might see something interesting and special. It also means that the perspectives of non western people in Africa and Asia have validity, even if they do not agree with your privileged notions.

What tolerance does not mean making fun of minorities. The casual acceptance arrogant bigotry of the main story is disturbing. You truly should be ashamed of yourselves. Or, is slashdot now, "News for bigots, stuff that slanders?"

Comment No one ever accused a Nazi of being smart (Score 1) 210

CHR, if you were honestly making an effort to understand, you would notice the core of my argument is indeed what people do is what they are. The key elements of NAZI racism area: State control of everything, business is ally of state and subservient to it, Demanding orthodoxy, focus on racial elements, the belief that the use of violence is acceptable if used against people who disagree with the party. The left, especially the DNC in the United States is in favor of all of these things.

At this point, you are either just not listening or unwilling to see the evil that you have become. History will judge you badly. You have lost the argument. Quoting German text while agreeing with me does not make your case. You are simply pathetic at all things. Good-bye.

Comment Re: Oh, I am sure will get the chance to see it (Score 1) 210

The policies and practices of the NAZI were in complete line with socialist thinking. If you look at the writing and theories of the NAZI regime, they were well versused in ideas of shared production and working for the greater good with one purpose....just like you. I am sorry if you never understood you were a monster before.

Comment Re:Oh, I am sure will get the chance to see it (Score 1) 210

No, I would not subscribe to that cynical view and your lack of real argument. Democracy has a meaning. In order to be truly democratic, people have to have free choice to select a candidate. North Korea is not that, despite the appropriation of the name.

In contrast, socialism implies that the production of a country should be shared, for the betterment of the citizens. The NAZI were very much in line with this line of thinking. They had many social programs that were designed to take care of their citizens. They believed that the state was the best means to distribute resources. They differed from community in that instead of worker owning production, corporations were still existent...but they were subservient to the state, and existed to better the people.

So, in all ways that you can think of, the NAZI were true socialists. What you are struggling with is that you basically agree with monsters. You SHOULD struggle with that.

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