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Comment Re:Oh boy. (Score 3, Insightful) 194

What's troll-y is claiming that you don't see how that language could annoy anyone. There is a perfectly suitable gender-neutral word that makes exactly the same point. It's 2013 ffs.

When I read stuff like "stewardess", I think old-timer or non-native-English speaker.

And yes I realize this is /. and /. is not know for being a bastion of progressive thought on gender and bias. But sometimes I get annoyed at careless crap like the above and attempt to piss into the wind. Sue me.

Comment Re:HTML isn't anymore (Score 1) 302

Hey I got an idea, let's create some properly rigid and stodgy standard that sucks the life out of things and in 10 years pine for the old days when any little punk with some gumption could pick up a browser and start coding for the web using any of a plethora of techniques. Security, standardization, predictability, harrumph harrumph!

Comment Re:From the article: (Score 1) 761

Drunk driving
Smoking indoors in public spaces
Leaded gasoline
Lead paint
Asbestos home insulation

All banned and and no longer socially acceptable.

Yes, indeed, we should all drive tanks, wear breathing equipment, and install lockable trap-door mouth pieces on our toddlers. Won't anyone think of the casual laser user???

Comment Re:Non-rounded, often obscure and "deathdays"... (Score 1) 104

And, finally, I must take massive umbrage with the Google tooltip that says "Douglas Adams' 61st birthday". I'm sorry, but once someone dies, they can no longer have birthdays after their death. It should be "61st anniversary of his birth", but I guess that's too long and not so catchy. I now call them "deathdays" when Google does this :-)

Say what? Everyone has exactly one birthday unless you were born a night.

Comment Re:I didn't understand any of this (Score 1) 127

While my assuming that you know what you're talking about is probably unwise, the fact that you two are dickering over overly prescriptive usage and what is actually not an error bodes ill.

Source text for next poster(s):

While my assuming that you know what you're talking about is probably unwise, the fact that you ___________________________ bodes ill.


Submission + - Google Glass Banned From Seattle Pub (geekwire.com)

supertall writes: Google Glass is sure to prompt a wave of innovative new hands-free applications, but privacy concerns have led to the 5-Point Cafe in Seattle banning the wearable technology. The issues comes down to being photographed/recorded without knowledge or consent. Some people just don't like it, as demonstrated by Steve Mann's assault at a Paris McDonald's. The misuse of such technologies may have deeper implications. Imagine with a single innocuous glance facial recognition technology doing a web search and pulling up someone's personal information such as their home address. Would you be comfortable in a world full of this tech?

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