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Comment azure? (Score 2) 82

It is definitely about time. Azure is terrible. Anyone who has ever tried to create an Image in Azure knows it is pure garbage. Microsoft blatantly disregarded the Open Virtualization Format standards, and created a VHD. Then even if you use HyperV to save your image, it doesn't necessarily mean its going to work. You still need the Windows Azure Agent. Then... if it still doesn't work. Good luck! Because there is no console to trouble shoot it.

I have no idea what Oracles "cloud" looks like. But it can't be much worse than Azure.

Comment colo (Score 1) 100

Colo a box, and find a competent admin. 1000 concurrent users isn't small either by the way. You also completely neglected to mention what the site was written in, and what webserver you are using. There is a major difference if you have 1000 concurrent users on apache tomcat, or a simple php site.

Personally you are better off hiring someone in house to manage it, but do yourself a favor, and do your research. There are a lot of people in the industry who talk big and suck at what they do. If he cant look at what you have, and setup a proper infrastructure for it within 30 days, fire him. The other option, is look at the smaller companies to do managed hosting for you. They usually have a few racks in a DC they use.

Dont bother with these big companies like hostgator. Most of their employees are worthless. Not to mention the recent story about one of their admins backdooring their servers. The more reputable ones stretch their employees too thin, so unless you are a squeeky wheel you will get neglected.

Comment Re:Duh? (Score 2) 68

So they just HAPPENED to accidentally include a new license? eh, sounds fishy. Oracle screws up everything they touch. I was at Sun Microsystems for some ZFS training shortly after the Oracle buyout... the look of defeat these guys had...

Comment honestly (Score 1) 364

Honestly, your best hope is going to be Ubuntu Touch. It will give you a hell of a lot more control over your phone than android. It is straight up linux, so if you know what you are doing on a linux box, you, in theory, should be able to cut off those phone home's and shit.

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