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Comment Network Gear? (Score 1) 174

Newer Cisco routers are measured in tons. I'm not actually kidding... The CRS model breaches 4000lbs, depending on how it's configured and optioned out. I don't know if the folks that did this considered the networking gear required to move packets from point A to Z, but that stuff isn't necessarily light weight.


Comment Re:They better bring along the police... (Score 1) 589

The police are not part of the Federal government at all, unless you mean the Washington DC police

The police *ARE* part of the Executive branch of the government. I didn't specifically write Federal government, I wrote government. And that statement is true.

The FCC is not going to push their way into your house.

Let's hope not. My concern comes from the article's, "FCC claims the right to enter your home without a warrant". How would they enter my house? Knock and ask? Break the door in and enter? Lots of interesting interpretation to be had here.


Comment Re:They better bring along the police... (Score 1) 589

Look, I'm a big 2nd Ammendment supporter, and I have a more-than-healthy disdain for government overstepping it's bounds ("Patriot Act", anyone?) but this knuckle-dragger boast is so lame that needs to be laid to rest, already.

Who says it's a "knuckle-dragger boast?" You're aware that some states have what's called a "Castle Doctrine" in place, right? Meaning: you enter my house (or even in some cases, my car) without my permission, I can defend myself by any means necessary.

The exception to the Castle Doctrine is police knocking on your door (or a no-knock warrant search, or whatever). But the police belong the Executive branch of the government. What *EXECUTIVE* power does the FCC actually have? They're an independent entity within the government.

Coming through the door of my house without being accompanied by the local constabulary will result in the FCC jackboots leaving on stretchers. It's really that simple. :-)


Comment How do you Spell It? (Score 1) 739

There's no way I'll spell this right, but my first distro was off a Yggdrasil(sp?) CD, back in 1994. I can remember trying to get it to work with the SCSI CDROM I had connected to my Pro Audio Spectrum sound card, of all things (what a way to do a SCSI controller...) Once installed, I loaded FVWM as my window manager, and instantly went to work trying to overhaul its appearance to look like the Motif window manager (mwm). That included digging into the source code and... changing it a bit. :-)


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