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Comment Re:14 LY from earth? (Score 1) 132

It must've been fun writing the script for that series. "40-Eridani-System" XD Pretty much sky was the limit for throwing random shit in.
Anyway Vulcans are weird. I vote that first contact should be made with the other ones.. Romulans.
On topic, since noticing the other night for the first time that Betelgeuse actually looks red in the sky, and reading up on it, I've decided I'm interested in red super giants. This story about dwarfs currently has no appeal for me.

Comment Re:Fastest KDE (Score 2) 184

It does for folk who like it that way, and those unable to navigate clicky GUI configuration options with big icons and explanatory tooltips, and change it.
My KDE UI looks nothing like the default. But it's not about the UI, anyway :)

Comment well (Score 3, Interesting) 184

I just upgraded and luckily my heavily customized setup from 4.9 is intact. KDE's been snappy on this notebook anyway and completely problem-free for months (well only Firefox in conjunction with Google Docs freezes like once a day... but that's an FF bug) frankly I wouldn't use it if it was slow, so I don't see any particular change in speed.. and I was running the indexers and whatnot before. The only thing that was using a lot of resources (imo) was Amarok, but then I removed all services, plugins and stuff I don't use, and now it never goes over 70 MB after playing music all day.
I've been using KDE for less than a year but all in all I like this desktop.

Comment Re:But...Unity. (Score 1) 222

Well, I think that I did address your point. You want to channel the debate away from the criticism by imposing curiously (for a random comments thread on the net) strict rules, I think this should not be done. Freedom to rant surely must be one of the four freedoms..?
Anyway I don't care about Unity enough to criticize or praise it myself. So I never do. However I strongly defend everyone else's right to criticize it as they please, whether the subject is narrowly related to the shell, or to Ubuntu in a more broad sense, and this considering that Unity is so essential, so central to Ubuntu's identity and what differentiates it from the 400 other Debian-based spins.
The reason I even posted here originally was that the personal insults hurled at people who dislike Unity/Ubuntu are highly disturbing, imo. If that is the quality of the Canonical fanboydom nowadays then I must say that the wine has indeed been watered down.

Comment Re:But...Unity. (Score 1) 222

For a fan of that movie I've never seen, you sure seem very uptight about rules of conversation. Relax a little on the offtopic worry. Offtopic happens.
As for the other two points you make, I submit that nothing's as retarded as a strong negative response to somebody's opinion expressed on teh internet.

Comment Re:But...Unity. (Score 1) 222

Yes, my opinion. And unlike in China or America, here in Europe we're free to have our opinions *and* express them without being put in jail or psychiatric hospital.
I did not miss the point though. The point is that the default Ubuntu shell has received heavy criticism, that many users have switched to other distros because of that shell - but that no amount of online abuse directed against them by the fanboys will silence their criticism.

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