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Submission + - Has the mythical unicorn of materials science finally been found? (

gbrumfiel writes: "For years, physicists have been on the hunt for a material so weird, it might as well be what unicorn horns are made of. Topological insulators are special types of material that conduct electricity, but only on their outermost surface. If they exist, and that's a real IF, then they would play host to all sorts of bizarre phenomenon: virtual particles that are their own anti-particles, strange quantum effects, dogs and cats living together, that sort of thing. Now three independent teams think they've finally found the stuff that the dreams of theoretical physicists are made of: samarium hexaboride."

Submission + - Supporting Federal Funding for Research and Development (

ShadeTC writes: "I'm hoping that the geeks of Slashdot will help out and support an organization that is working to lobby Congress to make sure to continue to support academic research and development grants and funding that is crucial for scientific advancement. The organization, Stand With Science, was founded last year by grad students and alumni from a number of major research universities. They have created a letter to send to your representative to help them support research funding."

Submission + - File Sharing Lawsuits In Canada Begin (

Magorak writes: It appears that despite the recent change in copyright law within Canada, the file sharing lawsuits have taken a step closer to reality in Canada. TekSavvy, a leading independent ISP, has received a motion from Voltage Pictures for the names and contact information of thousands of customer whom they believe have illegally distributed their works over P2P. All eyes will be on this one to see whether or not any of these allegations actually make it to a court of law.

Submission + - Netflix releases ISP speeds for North America (

Carnth writes: Netflix will start releasing monthly ISP speed reports. Google Fiber ranks at the top. Hopefully this will give consumers a better overall picture on how their ISP performs compared to others.

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