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Journal Journal: IronPython 0.6 released as CPL 6

Update: how alpha is IronPython?

reading from the readme with the download you can see it's pretty bare.


Journal Journal: rewriting, 'making the news'

...It's not enough for journalists to be mere messengers without understanding the hidden agendas of the messages and the myths that surround it ... john pilger


Journal Journal: new format journal - longer articles of interest - p1

Upcoming articles of interest
  • Rather than just add links, topics and code without focus. This year I've decided to delve deeper into a particular areas of interest. I tend to post most stuff at slashdot sometimes at my use.perl.com site for perl stuff and occasionally my home page. This year I want to do much the same but filter the topics intelligently depending on the audience.

The Internet

Journal Journal: 10 years on the Internet 2

10 years on the Internet
    • At the time I was working with a bunch of psychopaths - running around in boiler suits, heavy boots and lugging 50Kg loads in dangerous environments. Taking orders off idiots, having to ask permission to take a drink - but not doing what you are probably thinking. Certainly not enjoying the experience. I had to get out. I was hungry for something and somewhere else to work :)

Journal Journal: m$word-pdf, maestro and australia day

doc->pdf cont.

looks like I have found a possible quicker path to get word docs to pdf. (wonder if it can handle complex tables and embedded images?).


Journal Journal: complex HTML-->???-->PDF? 4

the problem

  • but the current Word doc (the catalogue) has tables, graphics and was 'built' with Word templates, so I have no idea how ell it would all convert.

Journal Journal: Iain Truskett RIP 2003-12-29

update: 13JAN2003 Andy Lester (oreillynet) writes ... I never met him, or even spoke to him except through email and IRC, but I feel like he was a friend. He was always willing to help out when possible, and at least discuss an idea when not.

perlmonks today -

Iain Campbell Truskett ("Spoon"/"Koschei") RIP 2003-12-29

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"Ninety percent of baseball is half mental." -- Yogi Berra
