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Comment Yikes (Score 1, Insightful) 342

A week?! A month?!!

How do you propose to compensate me and others for the loss of value and liquidity created by your arbitrary market rules and centrally controlled economy? Will you or the government either put up part of the purchase price to compensate for your partial control, or allow me to write off losses caused by the proposed rules?

What's wrong with me immediately changing my mind after a trade?

Comment Re:The problem of solutions looking for problems (Score 1) 180

Actually, both approaches can succeed. consider: (1) most incremental product improvements [e.g., an improvement in fuel efficiency between model years in cars] answer a known need, but (2) nobody knew they needed a diamond engagement ring until DeBeers told them so.

Comment Re:Seems Really Strange. (Score 1) 220

Logically people who participate in subsistence farming are far more capable of controlling their behaviour and people who don't farm are far less capable of controlling their behaviour (it comes with being able to defer or ignore gratification and focusing concentration on a tedious/repetitive task in order to survive). Clearly we should send the prisoners farm implements. Not to do so seems much more like an attack on hardworking types to force cooperation not only upon them but on their associates outside of prison...

Non sequitur? Mistaking the cause for the effect? Just plain ol' weirdness?

Comment Probably really bad news for bitcoin, actually (Score 3, Interesting) 273

I would think this is really bad news in disguise for bitcoin, because it discourages the use of bitcoin for commerce both because of the tax issue and because of the reporting requirements. (Who wants to deal with computing a wash sale just to buy a cup of coffee?) If people are inspired to sit on bitcoin until they cross the 1-year capital gains threshold, that behavior change could move bitcoin one step away from use as a currency, and put it in the same illiquid category as gold or bearer bonds.

Comment It would seem.... (Score 3, Funny) 667

that the only reasonable explanation for the lack of equal time is that God doesn't want the creationists to have it. How could a just and righteous creator hang his PR department out to dry like this? One might make the mistake of thinking that it is all just bullshit and that we reasonable people won't gain anything by engaging with the creationists...

Comment Re:Hmmm... (Score 4, Funny) 983

You can do the job with a mere 128 million single sided, single density 160K disks, like the one on the original IBM PC. When in doubt, go with proven technologies. Assuming a stack of 4 disks is 1cm thick, you should get away with around 1000 m^3 storage space.

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