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Comment The law of unintended consequences (Score 2) 641

Use to be that a person owed a dog no better treatment than they did a chair or silverware. The idea of animals as mere "chattel" has been slowly chipped away at over time. As people have come to view animals as having a higher status than a bookshelf, the law has slowly moved the same way. Animal abuse is generally a crime everywhere. Further the state can take away animals from people who mistreat them.......the same is not true for one who "mistreats" their wooden desk, no matter how public and violent the act may be.

The risk that these animal rights activist face is that of setting unfavorable precedent which, under the legal concept of stare decisis, could serve as a roadblock to courts future recognitions of animal "rights". There are also a myriad of peripheral issues that such a finding would raise. If a chimp is legally considered a person, what is their citizenship? Does the U.S. Constitution apply to them? Can they vote? The list goes on.

Comment Re:Fax machine (Score 1) 497

Or just put the receiver on the desk, and waste a bit of *their* time.

That's a good way to get out of the collections department and into legal. And legal will just take out a court order for the money against you ex parte in many states.

I stopped reading here.
Note to readers: The parent post above doesn't know shit about the civil debt collection process.

Comment Don't assume there is any trust here. (Score 2) 232

Help the Russians set up a program that allows them to create a GPS system that will compete with the U.S.


Help the Russians set up a program that allows them to create a GPS system that will compete with the U.S........and which could be actively shut down / hacked/ sabatoged within U.S. borders if an "incident" ever arose. And which Russian "allies" are likely to sign on to use this alternative? Why China, North Korea, Iran, and Syria of course.

If all the revelations about the NSA show anything, it's that everyone is busy spying on everyone. Therefore the U.S. should presume that these stations will be used, at least tangentially, for that purpose. Note that that is not necessarily a reason to decline the request. If properly managed, it could be used by the U.S. security apparatus to better monitor and determine Russia's own capabilities. It could also be a useful way to "leak" sensitive sounding FUD back to the motherland.

Comment The TSA is just giving people what they wanted. (Score 1) 437

For years members of the 501st Fighting Keyboard Brigade, Slashdot Division have been droning on and on about "security theater" and the TSA's "one size fits all" approach to airline security. Mighty cries were heard across the realm about the need to use intelligence and data to truly focus on those who pose a greater threat.

Congratulations, the TSA heard your pleas and is responding accordingly. And as the infamous Chinese curse says, "May you find what you are looking for."

Comment This article is a great example...... (Score 1) 871

.....of why IT nerds should refrain from talking about law. And the chuckles that wrote this "article" is no different.

To wit (this is but one example): ""Seriously? Were you listening when Professor Duane said that if a suspect protested his innocence in the way that he described, you would take that out-of-context quote and only tell the jury that he said 'I never liked the guy?'"

Yes. Go look at the "statement against party interest" exception to the heresay rule. Then go watch a criminal trial and you will see the police do *exactly* that.

The author here in too uneducated to make the refuations he is trying to make nor is he showing the drive necessary to gain knowledge that would answer his question for him.

Comment Camel nose, meet tent. (Score 1) 126

And of course not long thereafter will come the financial incentives, cajoling, and outright threats necessary to ink a "deal" that the malware companies will not detect CIA and NSA wares.

I would certainly hope that McAfee et al would not be dumb enough to jump into bed with the devil, but sadly that may be more wishful thinking than anything.

Comment Re:The Oil industry does it daily (Score 1) 171

OP didn't say manipulated. It said "price fixed". Big difference there.

The bond market of which you speak (and the financial markets in general) can be gamed by conglomerates of individual entities. However the prime difference here is that these combinations affect the *secondary market* and are *not* related to the companies that float the bonds. That is, the company that floated the bond does not benefit directly from any support the security receives in the secondary market.

E-books on the other hand are different. The publishers attempted to directly price fix what was charged for their product at the point of primary sale. This of course resulted in additional profits directly into their pocket. It is a different scenario from securities.

Comment Re:The Oil industry does it daily (Score 1) 171

Mod this up.
I too would like OP to explain how the oil industry sets about mandating price on the fungible commodity that they sell. I'm not saying the commodity market is rational, mind you. I'm just saying if a producer tried to strong arm these kinds of tactics, the market buyers would respond with a very loud and heartfelt FOAD.

Comment Contradictory skillsets. (Score 2) 161

The point of the article is that if you want to rise to CIO, you have to understand the company and how its buisness operates. This means having to transition from skills that are helpful in IT (detailed oriented micro thinking) to skills that are used in business (macro based "big picture" thinking). The article says not to use jargon because managers at the high echelons do not care about the nuts and bolts of how something gets done. They care about the end result and other non-technical drivers (cost, ROI, etc).

Understand, these are typically skills that do not make for a good IT worker. Someone good at IT is detail oriented and laser focused on specific tasks. It is difficult training one's brain to think in a different manner. And in the IT real, people are quick to discount those who don't think as they do. The sad part is those that "think differently" in this case happen to be those who sign the paychecks.

Comment He's offering the deal of the decade! (Score 1) 339

FTA: "This isn't because I don't have positions that need filling. On the contrary, I'm constantly searching for talented new employees, and if someone with the right skills walked into my office, he or she would likely leave it with a very compelling offer. The problem is that the right skills are very hard to find. And I'm sorry to say it, dear graduates, but you probably don't have them."


The downside of having said programming skills if you could be conned into working for a total douche-nozzle like this.

Also, this dude is very high on himself and what he's doing. "Next potential dream boss"? "Cool and interesting" company with "interesting and rewarding" work? Bro, you sell internet ads. Your "interesting and rewarding" work is trying to find new and innovative ways to piss me off while I'm looking at Ebay and surifing for porn. Let's not get carried away here.

Comment This is a clash of styles. (Score 2) 332

Nowhere in the parent post do I read that there are problems with his code not working. In fact the phrase "far from elegant" really does tell the tale. The true "problem" here is obvious: The product isn't being done the way *you* think it should. It is admirable that you have these standards, but in the "real world" one has to work on a continum between time and budget.

Also, the author complains that 1) the code is not up to his stanadards, yet 2) he doesn't feel he should have to make it so. If you wish for the coding to be done your way, then you will need to invest the extra time to do it. Otherwise accept that "functional = good enough" and drive on.

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