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Comment $30/mo is a terrible price (Score 4, Insightful) 43

$30/mo is a terrible price. If all you want is talk/text, you can get that, on an ACTUAL cellular network (Cricket/AT&T, and I'm sure other providers) for $25/mo. And, to top it off, they'll only charge you $25 for that Moto G, instead of $100.

As a $5 add-on to your cable plan, it's pretty nice... but not at the "rack" rate.

Comment Customized yes, cheap, no. (Score 1) 128

The only part of the automaking process that they changed was body/chassis assembly. That part is already highly automated, with robots doing most of the work. Yay, so you get all the automation, with the addition of greater customization. However, the vast majority of the labor is in assembly of the rest of the car. And if every car off the line is different, a lot of the efficiencies you get with the moving assembly line go completely out the window.

Comment Can they attract developers? (Score 1) 243

The big question is: Can they attract developers? If not, they'll need to be able to run Android apps natively. Once you are doing that, why not just run Android, an OS where somebody else bears most of the development cost?

I can see Samsung being more successful at this than Amazon was, but Samsung also doesn't have the motivations Amazon had/has for doing so.

Comment Hans Reiser tried this defense (Score 2) 119

Hans Reiser tried the "somebody else did it" defense. He suggested it was somebody else, but presented no more than vague hints in that general direction suggesting that somebody else had motive. (And, of course, it was all silly hand-waving, since he later confessed and led police to the body.) For Ulbrict's sake, let's hope he has something more substantive.

The police have no obligation to investigate alternate suspects once they've decided on one to charge. If you, defendant, want to blame the crime on somebody else, you need to perform your own investigation rather than merely pointing out the police didn't chase after whomever the defendant thinks would be a more worthy suspect.

I don't know if Ulbrict has some real evidence; if he did, you'd think he would have released it by now.

Comment Per usual, the headline is bogus (Score 1) 303

How do we have any freaking clue whether or not the jury understands the internet? If they are doing their jobs, they aren't saying a damn thing about what they do or don't understand.

The judge on the other hand, certainly is requesting things be simplified on her (and the juror's) behalf.

Really, this isn't any different from ANY other trial. Any trial involves the jury deciding on things that they do not have a great deal (or any) experience with. The whole job of the Forensic evidence, insider trading, patents, whatever.

Comment Still too volatile. (Score 1) 290

Even if you buy bitcoins, unload them ASAP to buy something, and then the receiver unloads them ASAP to get them back into something a tad more stable, it's STILL too volatile to rely on. A retailer could lose a significant chunk of his/her margin in the lag time before the coins can be transferred again.

Comment And this is why Bitcoins are still a joke (Score 1) 290

A national currency that routinely swung by this amount would be a national crisis. (For example, something similar happened to the Swiss yesterday (they abandoned a policy to keep the Franc weak), and it's making headlines all over the world. And it's just a one-time event.) The economy would be in shambles as all trade came to a screeching halt, due to the complete and total inability to properly price contracts. Even used solely as a money-transfer system (instead of a real currency) it still swings too wildly. By the time you can unload the bitcoins somebody's transferred to you, you could lose your entire profit margin.

Comment Yeah, I remember when VMWare first came out... (Score 5, Informative) 180

I remember when VMWare first came out, and there was all this amazement about all the cool things you could do with Virtual Machines. Very little mention anywhere that these were things you could do for decades already on mainframes.

Same thing with I/O offloading (compared to mainframes, x86 and UNIX I/O offload is still quite primitive and rudimentary), DB-based filesystems (MS has been trying to ship one of those for over 20 years now; IBM has been successfully selling one (the AS/400 / iSeries) for 25, built-in encryption features, and a host of other features.

Comment Pre-paid providers sell 2.3 (Score 1) 629

While none of the post-paid providers sell 2.3 any more, plenty of pre-paid providers still do. Boost, Straight Talk, TracFone, Page Plus, etc. If you are a pre-paid operator, many of your customers don't have good enough credit for payment plan on a nice phone, don't have enough money to buy a nice phone out-right, and said customers aren't forced to stay with your company long enough for you to risk much of a subsidy in the monthly fees. That leaves you being forced to sell the cheapest phones you can for the customers that want them.

We are talking $30-40, out the door, here... If you are spending that little on a phone, you have to trim cost anywhere you can, which means the thing won't even run stuff much more recent, even if the carrier wanted to put forth the effort to do so. (Which, given their generally low margins, they won't even think of doing.)

Yes, for not much more money, you can get a MUCH nicer phone ($65 will get you a Moto G on Boost, for instance), but at the very bottom end, every dollar counts when specing out phones.

(Personally, I use a Boost Moto G flashed to PagePlus/VzW... an excellent example as to why the phones can't be subsidized much. Sprint/Boost totally has taken it in the shorts here, as outside of the phone itself (which is still subsidized somewhat), they've haven't gotten a dime from me, as they inexplicably didn't request Moto lock the bootloader, making it fairly trivial to convert it over to working with Verizon.)

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