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Comment Re:why can't tesla set up dealerships? (Score 2) 470

Dealerships are "arms-length" from the car maker (in theory). This prevents them from price fixing and encourages competition (in theory). Tesla wants to run these themselves rather than put a 3rd party in the middle. I've been to a Tesla store and it was amazing, stupid protectionist laws.

Comment Re:finally (Score 1) 148

Actually it is there because manufacturers can modify it as they see fit in order to differentiate their products. If you look at the actual costs of the OS, because of various licensing issues generally Windows Phone is cheaper to put on a device (chalk it up to Microsoft owning most of the licensable patents on android and charging heavily for them).

Comment Re:Win8 as a UI vs. an OS (Score 1) 398

With the above 'tweaks' the biggest thing I miss comparing 7 to 8 is the loss of being able to search files directly from the search bar.

8.1 will let you search for files in the search bar. Currently you can do it, but you need to press the down arrow twice to get to "files".

Comment Re:Hmm... (Score 1) 535

Nokia was thinking - the phone is now no longer king, it is the fusion of hardware and software that makes a phone great (look at Apple when they hired Elop). Nokia was good at making hardware, but frankly, and despite what a lot of /.ers believe, Nokia sucked at software. It wasn't what they did well. So they hired a software guy to run the company, hoping it would at least allow them to compete. Elop isn't perfect but he has managed to make the nasty choices needed to keep Nokia alive. The once 'in the red' networking division has managed to return to making a profit. Their mapping technology is being used in more places too. This deal works really well for Nokia as they are able to shed the part of the company that was dragging them down - the device portion.

Comment Re:Really, rabbits for milk? (Score 1) 92

Why rabbits? These aren't the first people to do this. Another group modified rabbits to produce human C1 inhibitor, but they only get 120 mL of milk per day. Is this economical from a perspective of input feed to output milk?

As someone that worked in a lab before, rabbits are great because: They make enough milk, can be easily handled, studied, etc. and frankly we know a LOT about their genetic makeup. Oh - and it is easier to do egg manipulations and implantations on these creatures. Making changes in genes is a pain in the butt. Some animals are better suited for specific jobs. We used to get insulin from pigs since it was the best we could do at that time. We got better and now harvest a lot of it from insects.

Comment Re:So what. Doctors SHOULD be paid more. (Score 1) 336

They do not deserve to be paid more. Did you know in France doctors are paid significantly less, and they have more doctors per patient than the US? Part of the reason why the costs are so high for med school is because the doctors can afford to pay it, justified with the "well I will make it back in a few years".

Comment Things are starting to change... (Score 1) 336

The outdated data reared its ugly head in Ontario recently when the provincial doctors were negotiating with the province regarding pay. The province is feeling cash strapped and realized it should maybe update its pricing structure from the 70s. It is interesting that while they are moving doctors to more of a salaried model here, they are moving the hospitals towards more of a fee for service model (sort-of).

Comment Re:Can they use the linux kernel ? (Score 1) 497

Releasing control will never happen. That control is what gives them their edge. Look at what happened with webkit, both Apple and Google took it separately and split the product so that they could each have control over it. In addition, keeping the kernel internal has let them get away with Windows 8. Under the hood Microsoft has been very clever and is aligning all of their devices to one central kernel. This will let them have their future devices all talk to each other with ease and allow them better market share. There is a reason why they are becoming a devices and services company.

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