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Comment who has actually used one? (Score 2) 178

I had one growing up. I learned a little basic using it. I was all of 10 or 11... played King's Quest on it. Wireless keyboard!!!

Not having access to other computers at the time I never realize how big of a joke/flop it was considered until I was older. I don't think i was harmed by the use of the Jr. Funny thing is that most people I have talked to that make fun of it never touched one.

Comment Too convenient (Score 1) 252

It seems too convenient to leave a file called hack.bat on the system. Probably just a cover because the actually back door was created by the developer of the ATM system/software. The USB sticks simply unlocked the machine and the codes were used to prevent the individual perp from hitting too many ATMs, too frequently. The code doesn't stop the individual perp from walking away with the cash at that time but it does let someone know exactly when he's doing it.

I know of a gambling device that was similarly hacked by the developer... He was too greedy and used his hack twice in one weekend. He was also on the security video and he rented a car in his own name which makes him not only greedy but stupid as well.

As a side note the gambling device used proprietary hardware/OS and the system software is examined and certified by a third party. The back door was well hidden and because it was an inside job, the technical security of the device was irrelevant. I am guessing the same is true for the ATMs.

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