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Comment Re:If this can happen ... (Score 1) 241

Several years ago if you tried running a server on one of the major ISPs in the US using a residential connect and your usage was spiking they'd contact you and point out that your 'agreement' with them prohibits hosting servers. I don't know if they still do that.

Us little guys are supposed to consume, not produce.

Comment Re:Was it EA..... (Score 1) 386

I made the mistake of buying Diablo 3 without doing my homework. I didn't know about the always online requirement. Never again will I participate in a game that forces you to connect to a server to play by yourself. There is no benefit to the consumer, only headache and inconvenience. I'm sorry that they are having problems with piracy, but there are limits to how much I will inconvenience myself over someone else's problem. When a game causes more stress than it relieves it is no longer worth playing.

That's without even taking into account the fact that I will not buy an EA game any time soon, no matter what the title or how much I loved the franchise in years past. I have had nothing but had experiences with them for years now. I really don't want to boycott ANY game company. Even SOE has redeeming moments. EA though, has consistently screwed me over each and every time I've given them a chance.

Comment Re:I've Seen Touch Screens For Years (Score 5, Insightful) 913

Yes, it feels like soon they'll devolve to blaming the consumers for daring to not consume their products. "This would have been a success if only more consumers jumped on board!" No shit, Sherlock. They took a chance in going in a new direction, and the lost the bet. Now they're just trying to use their size to muscle the change in anyway instead of backtracking, because that would be admitting failure.

Comment Re:And here is the solution (Score 2) 130

"Once Invisible Tracck comes within 20 miles (32 kilometers) of a cellular network it will 'wake up' and alert authorities." There is no reason for fancy EMPs or trying to trace the devices themselves... This doesn't do ANYTHING while out in the forest. It activates when it comes within range of a network. You could knock down every tree in the forest and this would do nothing until you actually move the lumber. The simplest solution would be to run a metal detector over each tree as it's loaded for moving. From there you either leave the offending tree there or search for and remove the device.

Comment Re:Actually (Score 1) 709

In the EU, apparently all meat ingredients should be traceable as well. Why don't we just pull up *those* records and...oh wait, that's kind of the point of this whole mess... If horses are mysteriously ending up in consumer grade beef at this rate, I somehow doubt that the people doing it care much for those records either.

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