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Comment Re:"Don't they care about their health?" a mask-cl (Score 1) 379

The only product we still buy with HFCS are Bread & Butter pickles, as we've not found anything comparable taste-wise -- even at two or three times the price.

I don't know if you've already tried them, but I've found that the HFCS-less bread-and-butter pickle chips at ALDI are pretty good—and they're not super-duper expensive.

I just wish that the Dillon's/Kroger stores in my town hadn't decided to pack up and leave: as far as sweet pickles go, the Kroger-brand ones are the only sweet pickles I know of that don't have High Fructose Corn Syrup, and I can't really justify driving to the nearest store (which I believe is about an hour away from me) just to buy sweet pickles. :/

Comment I'm slightly disappointed. (Score 1) 71

When reading the headline, I thought that the WHO was conditionally backing a trial of a vaccine that would spread via contagion -- thereby also vaccinating anyone who came in contact with people who'd received the vaccine intravenously.

On the other hand, I'm somewhat relieved that there doesn't seem to yet be a contagious vaccine for anything.

I can imagine it as something from a science fiction thriller: a horrible disease grips the world, so to fight against it scientists create a vaccine that can spread from person to person so as to increase the rate at which people are cured; since it would self-replicate inside individuals who were vaccinated (and then begin self-replicating inside whoever it spread to), this would reduce not only costs, but the amount of vaccine required to be manufactured -- thus making it much simpler to get the cure out there.

People all over the world are recovering, and everything's lovely once again.

...That is, until the vaccine mutates into its own deadly and supercontagious strain of virus, and the protagonists have to find the "Patient Zero" so that they can attempt to make a vaccine (a proper, non-communicable one) to treat this new virus before Earth's human population becomes extinct.

Hot dog! I think I just came up with Hollywood's next big Summer blockbuster!

Comment Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Score 1) 110

I've mostly been heavily preoccupied with playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and occasionally some Donut County (both on my Switch).

I also recently started playing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword on my Wii U, since it's one of the many 3-D The Legend of Zelda games that I haven't yet played -- and because I got Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition earlier this month as a birthday present from my brother, and that game has a lot of Skyward Sword references in it as well.

I've been thoroughly enjoying a lot of other games, too -- but the aforementioned ones are the ones I've been playing most recently.

Comment Re:Can we micrwave popcorn in the air? (Score 1) 191

Because tossing kernels up and having them land on my tongue popped is a life-long dream of mine.

I prefer using an orbital strike laser to pop the kernels. Granted, it takes a little longer, and it works best when contained in a giant Jiffy-Pop-esque foil package inside of a house or other such insulated building, but afterward you (and whoever owns the building you used) have got popcorn for days!

Comment Samsung S150G "Candy Bar" (Score 1) 313

I'm rather happy with the little Samsung S150G "Candy Bar" phone that I picked up at a dollar store; it was on sale for 50% off, so it only cost me $5.

The only down side to it is: I have to buy prepaid Tracfone service cards (which have either 60, 120, 200, or 400/450 minutes and 90 extra days of service, or a 1 Year (of extra service) and I think it was 700 minutes), of which the smallest minutes-denomination is available here at the low price of $19.95. (I think the 1 Year cards are about a hundred dollars. I usually get the 120-minute cards, though; they cost about $40, if I recall correctly.) But on the other hand, my phone comes with automatically-doubled minutes for life, so there's that.

It's also not a flip-open phone, so the screen gets smudged and smeared every time I make a call — but it's easy enough to clean it off.

As far as battery life goes: I have its display set to the dimmest setting (and only rarely increase the brightness), and I have the display set to turn off after five seconds; sound profile is almost always set to 'Silent' with no vibration.

I leave my phone on all the time (though I don't often use it), and it lasts for about a week — if not a day or two longer — before I have to charge it. It also only takes about two or three hours to charge.

I've noticed an odd quirk with it, though: if you cross from one Time Zone to another, you have to turn your phone off for a while (maybe as long as an hour or two, but I've never timed it) and turn it back on — otherwise, upon crossing into the new Time Zone area, the phone will constantly report "No Service", even if you ordinarily would have service.

The phone has Internet access, but it's slow, and also terrible because the screen is (for websites, at least) tiny — plus, it costs minutes to access the Internet; I personally view it as a waste of minutes, but perhaps others might be handy in an emergency or something.

It doesn't come with a data cable, unfortunately, but the phone has a MiniUSB or MicroUSB port in the top (usually for the charger(s), or the earbud that I never use); I've borrowed a friend's Kindle Fire HD's USB cable and it fit perfectly.

I think it's a good phone, though. I can call people when I need to, and — if I really need to — I can text people (for a cost of 0.30 minutes per text (or, in English, 18 seconds — but the phone instead shows the silly fraction)). I rarely have problems with service anywhere — the only times I have really had problems with service was when I was crossing Time Zones, and also inside a friend's house that is apparently a Faraday cage for cellular phones (and, in their words, said house is "made of middle fingers" — it's a pretty terrible house).

Comment Re:I'd go with a projector (Score 1) 330

Alternatively if you want to save even more money then you can get really good results by mixing a black matte paint with a metallic paint at a ratio of 1 to 3.

Am I correct in assuming you mean a mixture that is three parts black matte paint and one part metallic paint? Or do I have those backward?

I myself am looking in to getting a projector sometime down the road, because I'm quite tired of all this ridiculous 'smart TV' nonsense; I miss the days where a television, upon receiving a signal from the power button (either on the TV itself or on the remote), simply turned on — and, in three seconds or so, was displaying a picture.

TVs these days just don't feel like televisions to me. They seem more like all-in-one PCs: they have RAM and CPUs and GPUs and probably 3-D accelerated graphics and rubbish such as that, rather than simply being a tube or a screen designed to display unfiltered whatever signal is being sent to it from the device you've hooked up to it. The image now has to be processed before it can be displayed, resulting in sometimes unforgivable lag (while playing video games) between pressing a button and seeing the button's action happen on the screen.

Somebody give me a shotgun and some rock salt; I've some kids I need to chase off of my lawn.

Comment Xenon Flashes? (Score 1) 192

I must be old. It took me several minutes to realize that neither the title nor the summary for this article were talking about Flash animations that were made by an Internet user who went by the name of Xenon. (His animations were famous-ish on 4Chan for containing copious amounts of ear-rape, among other things.)

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