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Comment Prizes, not funding. (Score 1) 247

1. Give them the money concept: The first people to completely meet the requirements get all the money plus interest. I would expect the goal to be some sort of working prototype for whatever it is they want to fund.

2. Invest the money in their company concept: The first people to meet the requirements get all the money plus interest in exchange for a minority stake of non voting stock. This is how to encourage people to hand their "crowdsourced" money over.

i.e. They have to already have something more than an idea, to get the cash. Ideas are worthless, everyone and their dog has The Great Idea. The global supply of ideas is huge. The supply of people taking it beyond that and doing something with it is scarce and that is what is worth funding.

Comment Nah it's simpler than that (Score 2) 145

You require people by law to retain all comm for N years on their own machines at their own expense. You require them by law to install a tool which indexes and reports the info back to the command center. You make versions available for Windows and Mac.

Then you just imprison anyone who doesn't comply (terrorists). Problem solved.

Comment Actually, what you need is a neighbourhood (Score 1) 508

or community.

1. You got a gun.. At home so the next burglar can get it as well as the rest of your stuff when you're both out at work again?
2. Dog, what do you do, leave it tied up at home all day alone? Dogs are pack animals it'll end up insane.
3. You will get burgled again, just after the insurance pays out. You're now on a list which'll get passed around.
4. Upgrade your doors & windows. Those are the holes they'll be trying to get through.

Your cheapest security system are neighbours who also have an interest in not being burgled.

Comment The poor are being taxed to pay for the panels (Score 2) 415

Taxed through inflation, income, sales taxes to pay wealthier people to put panels on their roofs. It's generally morally sickening, but no more sickening than the rest of the corruption.

I didn't see anyone complaining that the tax breaks to those who bought hybrids were bad because the poor still couldn't afford hybrids.

That's purely because you are incapable of using Google.


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