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United States

Submission + - Why America needs tp be destroyed (

DerUberTroll writes: Because you're all fucking lunatics and nazi pigs.
You have no knowlegde, culture, intellect.
All you do is eat fast food, drive pick ups and elect movie stars of half-baked mongoloids as presidents.

Comment Eliminate the middle men and get rich (Score 1) 469

There wouldn't be a "need" for all of this if people around the globe could just pay and have immediate access to their favorite shows and movies. I really don't mind paying 10 USD to download a movie in HQ. The problem is the middle men with sticky fingers. They must have their share of the cake, eventhough they had no role whatsoever in the creative process. It's all a damn lie. PS to the movie stars: You don't need that 1 million Dollar coat.

Comment The Declaration of Independence 1776 T. Jefferson (Score 1) 469

All men are created equal and there are certain unalienable rights that governments should never violate. These rights include the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When a government fails to protect those rights, it is not only the right, but also the duty of the people to overthrow that government. In its place, the people should establish a government that is designed to protect those rights.

Comment Re:It won't last... (Score 2) 29

Remember, with technologies such as practical quantum cryptography on the horizon, any data you store encrypted in "the cloud" won't stay that way encrypted forever.

It might take 10 years, it might take 20 years, but eventually what you thought was safe from prying eyes is likely to be revealed for all to see (or at least to those who can afford the new encryption-cracking tech).

Why store your stuff in the cloud? Hard drives are so inexpensive. Crypt them. Why even take a chance?


Submission + - Poll shows Americans Don't Think Much Of TV News (

DerUberTroll writes: CNN will arguably be the worst-for-wear in light of the poll, suggests TPM. The network is facing its worst ratings in two decades, and had a harder time bouncing-back from the SCOTUS/ACA bumble than rival Fox News (who still sit at the top in televised news ratings).

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