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Comment did the site crash? durr (Score 0) 84

If you visit Russian Wikipedia today you will be forgiven for thinking the entire site has crashed.. Russian Wikipedia's main page has been replaced with a redacted logo and a protest text, part of which says 'The Wikipedia community protests against censorship, dangerous to free knowledge, open to all mankind.

umm, i think that a reasonable person would see the protest message, and conclude that the site did not in fact crash. just sayin'

Comment Re:It's like this. (Score 0) 878

Let me be clear - I don't give an eff what kind of grammar people have. It's a free country and people can do what they want. However, I think that people with bad grammar are effing retards, and I don't let them near me in professional contexts. And if my kids don't get grammar I will force it on them.

Comment Re:It's like this. (Score 0) 878

Not necessarily an idiot, but ignorantly uneducated and aliterate. Ignorance != stupidity.

a distinction without a difference. Or perhaps if not an idiot, then sloppy and careless, which makes you look like an idiot. Either way,, bad grammar makes you look like an idiot.

Comment Re:It's like this. (Score 0) 878

The only people who don't know proper grammar are children and the uneducated. what you're saying is either 1) if you're uneducated, you can miscommunicate without shame to other uneducated people. 2) if you know proper grammar, you don't need to bother with the rules when communicating with the uneducated because your disdain for them is so great and you're so much better than them. And what subcultures do you mean? Ebonics, the soft racism of low expectations?

Comment Re:It's like this. (Score 0) 878

Bad grammar makes you look like an idiot. I suppose that the impact of this depends on the recipient, but as a general rule, I don't want my coworkers or clients thinking I'm an idiot. As an even more general rule, I don't want anybody thinking I'm an idiot.

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