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Comment Oldest myth in the book (Score 1, Insightful) 841

Blaming lack of employment on immigrants is just about the oldest and most pernicious trick in the book. What you're not mentioning is that someone willing to survive a tougher education system than the US's, learn a new language, and fly half way around the world to a land of people utterly hostile towards them--just to find work--is probably also going to be a more productive and better-motivated employee than someone who just breezes through the US education system and expects to be fellated by a harem of employers at the end. This is still a country where you can get a job based on merit, believe it or not, and to tell your kids or anyone else that it's the immigrants' fault is not doing them a service at all.

Comment Cheaper gas! (Score 1) 363

I know! Opening the passage means easier oil transportation, which means cheaper gas. Which means accelerated global warming, which implies faster melting of the ice cap, which implies the passage will open even more, which means even cheaper gas!

Comment Wrong! (Score 1) 251

This statement makes no sense:

A completely out-of-focus picture actually contains nearly as much information as a sharp photo, it's just smeared with a reversible mathematical transform called a point spread function.

Either the transformation is reversible, and the two pictures contain the same information; or it is not, and they don't. If you don't believe me, I've posted a completely out-of-focus picture of a white object in the margin directly to the left of this post. I dare you to tell me what it is.

Comment Co0Ps, this is your boss (Score 1) 324

Co0Ps, Jim here. Look, we've been on a hiring spree recently, and you know as well as I that unemployment rates have been at an all-time high for years. Therefore, I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go. I know, employing you probably resulted in some net good in some abstract sense, but the fact remains that employing you has basically had zero effect on unemployment overall. I men, it's not like you can just hire people and make unemployment magically disappear. I'm sure you'll therefore understand why this company just doesn't believe in employment anymore. Sorry!

Comment V.S. Naipaul was right? (Score 1) 350

Nobel laureate V. S. Naipaul recently caused an uproar when he claimed, among other things, that he could identify the gender of an author from their work:

In what must have been an attempt to be as offensive as possible, he continued, saying that men’s and women’s writing is “quite different I read a piece of writing and within a paragraph or two I know whether it is by a woman or not. I think [it is] unequal to me.”

I guess this means he was right? Although, for the record, he still seems like an arrogant, sexist SOB--just not for this particular reason.

Comment Forgetting something? (Score 2) 307

And this terrible crime is truly worth having our clearanced military personelle deciding that its time to violate his oaths and divulge whatever information he saw fit-- even that which shows no "horrible crimes"-- to the entire world.

Remember the video of the death of the Reuters journalist, which the US repeatedly withheld against the wishes of said news agency? Care to guess how it eventually came to light?

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