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Comment Solution (Score 1) 293

Root your phone. Install an app that does per app permissions like LBE security. The facebook app also checks your GPS every single time you open the app. I think everyone would be surprised how many apps do what once they do per app permisions. SoundHound checks gps almost every sing hour. It's insane.

Comment Why this is even a thing now. (Score 1) 770

I remember the beginning. it was almost 10 years ago and The catholic church was shutting down churches and loosing members. They identified the problem as "science is killing god". internal documents stated that a war between religion and science was hitting a tipping point. The church hired a think tank. A memo from the think tank was leaked. It read that to cause doubt about religion in science was the same tactic needed to fight science. A wedge needed to be driven into the foundation of science to cause doubt. They had Identified an "exploit" . It was Evolution. The tactic would be to cause doubt by offering a religious based explanation and it was called creationism.

Comment This guy hit the nail on the head (Score 0) 185

by Cajun Hell (725246) Alter Relationship on Tuesday July 30, 2013 @03:15PM (#44423725) Homepage Journal I would agree with you but frankly very few people care about Bitcoin or have any reason to care about Bitcoin. You probably don't care much about Yuan-Dollar exchange rates much either, but you sure as hell have reason to care about it! We used to see the (approximate and debatable) 3% that Visa and Mastercard skims from nearly all sales transactions, as merely the cost of doing business, and a worthwhile expense in exchange for the service they offer. And yet, now The People have the tech to avoid that charge, so what used to be a 3% expense is considered 3% economic damage, a parasite. Most of us probably don't really have visceral bad feelings about Visa quite on the scale implied by the word "parasite" and yet, whenever you're buying a larger ticket item (a house, a car) you negotiate like hell over figures much smaller than 3%. And when I think about how much money I spent on my car, compared to how much money I have spend on fueling and maintaining my car with a plastic card, the plastic card's costs dwarf anything I ever negotiated with my car dealer. Visa and Mastercard's expenses are right there in your face, for anyone who looks into it. There's reason to move to something cheaper. Or threaten to move to something cheaper. You don't necessarily have to do it, as long as you can prove you're willing to do it. Who knows, maybe Bitcoin is what'll get Visa merchant charges down to 0.3%. Isn't it interesting that your grandparents had the same percentage skimmed off their lives, whereas you today live in a higher tech world where the expenses of providing transactions services, are tiny by comparison. In the end, Bitcoin is just another market force. There are plenty of indirect ones out there (exchange rates, decisions made by central banks, etc) that you don't think about much, or ever take actions on, and yet they have a profound effect on your economic well-being. It's fine to say you don't care, but for fuck's sake, don't say people don't have reason to care! --

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