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Comment Re:Interstellar travel impossible?? (Score 1) 686

We have already sent 2 probes outside the Solar System? Really, they were just arguing earlier this year if the first probe we sent has even exited our solar system yet. Additionally, it will lose all contact with us before it gets very far into interstellar space. We could probably sent out a ship that would take a very long time to reach another star system, but communication would take twice as long and it just not very feasible. We can't even feed and cloth everyone on this planet, much less send a bunch of people on a very long journey into the stars.

Comment The Arrogance of Humanity (Score 1) 686

I think expecting intelligent life to have visited earth is a bit arrogant. The fermi paradox is mysterious because we haven't been visited by intelligent life yet? It is highly likely that intelligent life either wouldn't want to visit us, or maybe they have something like the prime directive where they aren't allowed to interfere in our lives until we can match them technologically.

Comment Am I the only one who thinks this is old news? (Score 1) 157

I know they probably made it official now, however, I could have swore i've read this a while back when they announced they were making a new Star Wars movie. As I said, they are probably just making it official now, but I think everyone was already prepared for this to happen. So its kind of a non-story?

Comment Re:GEDs Don't Work (Score 1) 224

I dropped out of High School because I was living on my own and had to work. The only job I could get at the time and age required me to work during normal school hours. I then got my GED and since then have joined the military and now i'm out of the military and i'm attending College. If it weren't for the GED I wouldn't have been able to do what i've done and get more than a minimum wage job.

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