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Comment Re:More Info & Dashboard (Score 1) 1657

You should have listened to your grandmother. When potatoes are exposed to light, they turn green (yes on the outside first) which is the result of chlorophyll production, but also this also goes hand in hand with toxin production. You can also cause this in tubers by dropping and damaging them. This is why there is a belief that you should avoid the outside of a potato. I don't think you can fault your grandmother for not having a background in toxicity and agriculture, but she had some good info. You can look it up, but here's a quick summary from the CSIRO:

Are green potatoes safe to eat?

Green potatoes may cause food poisoning and since some of the symptoms are similar to gastroenteritis it is possible that some undiagnosed cases of gastroenteritis have been caused by eating green potatoes.

Human and livestock deaths have been recorded as a result of the consumption of greened or damaged potatoes with very high glycoalkaloid levels. It should be noted that glycoalkaloids are not destroyed by cooking processes, even by frying in hot oil. Consequently potatoes with pronounced greening or with signs of damage should not be eaten.

It is advisable that green or damaged potatoes are avoided by pregnant women or women who are likely to become pregnant, as there is some evidence of possible foetal damage or loss of the foetus from glycoalkaloid poisoning in animals.

So just maybe the scientist warning about global warming are right. Or maybe they're also in on a great potato conspiracy.

Comment Re:didn't ask the right people (was: Re:Yes) (Score 0, Flamebait) 646

You're a complete dick.

Glossy screens appear much brighter, and so have many practical advantages (including appearing more vivid). The 'want my matte' crowd are actually largely the fashion-victims, sprouting crap about colour distortions and reflections without any idea about what they are saying.

And Apple was one of the last to move towards gloss screens. Sony, HP, and Dell led the charge there you ignorant shit.

Comment Re:Soccer is just unpredictable (Score 4, Insightful) 312

This tells me more about the American attitude than it tells me about football (soccer).

You can:
- Buy the best players;
- Give them the best equipment;
- Be lavish with money however you desire;
- But you can still be whipped 2-0 by some upstart team from a 3rd world nation with none of your access to wealth and resources.

No wonder so many American's can't understand football!

Comment Re:After a month of daily use... (Score 1) 911

He was completely justified in calling feepness out. "Cool story, bro" conveys exactly the right blend of disbelief and exasperation that many of us feel in these ridiculous discussions considering the supposed critical faculty of fellow geeks.

No need to ride in to protect the innocent here, Mr action hero.

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