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Comment Re:good coders will follow the money (Score 2, Funny) 667

Actually, it's a cached page from google, because this stupid end user (aka, comment author) didn't have the sense that the JVM takes 5 hours to start and set is browser timeout settings appropriately. the last time this article was actually worked it stopped at 5k results when the dinosaur that "engineered" it thought that 10 minutes of up-time with results he liked meant that the http request to MSSQL Reporting worked.

Comment OpenID (Score 1) 286

Select an OpenID provider and delegate your domain to this provider, which allows you to use your domain as your claimedID (

This is done by simply by including link-rel tags in the head:

<link rel="openid2.local_id" href="" />
<link rel="openid2.provider" href="" />
<link rel="openid.delegate" href="" />
<link rel="openid.server" href="" />

OLPC Set To Dump x86 For Arm Chips In XO 2 274

angry tapir writes with this excerpt from Good Gear Guide: "One Laptop Per Child is set to dump x86 processors, instead opting to put low-power Arm-based processors in its next-generation XO-2 laptop with the aim of improving battery life. The nonprofit is 'almost' committed to putting the Arm-based chip in the next-generation XO-2 laptop, which is due for release in 18 months, according to Nicholas Negroponte, chairman of OLPC. The XO-1 laptop currently ships with Advanced Micro Devices' aging Geode chip, which is based on an x86 design."

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