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Submission + - British Regulator Investigated Over Low 4G Auction Revenue (

judgecorp writes: Ofcom, the British telecom regulator, raised £2.3 billion in the 4G spectrum auction when the government had hoped for £3.5 billion. Now Ofcom's auction is being investigated by the National Audit Office over whether it provided value for money for the British taxpayer. Ironically, the auction resulted in a low price but spread the bandwidth amongst rival firms, and so provided better value than if the auction had created a partial monopoly or (as happened in the 3G auctions in 2000) gouged as much money as possible from the operators leaving them unable to actually build a network.

Submission + - Lab-grown kidneys transplanted into rats (

ananyo writes: Scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston have fitted rats with kidneys that were grown in a lab from stripped-down kidney scaffolds. When transplanted, these 'bioengineered' organs starting filtering the rodents’ blood and making urine.
The team, led by organ-regeneration specialist Harald Ott, started with the kidneys of recently deceased rats and used detergent to strip away the cells, leaving behind the underlying scaffold of connective tissues such as the structural components of blood vessels. They then regenerated the organ by seeding this scaffold with two cell types: human umbilical-vein cells to line the blood vessels, and kidney cells from newborn rats to produce the other tissues that make up the organ (paper).

Comment It's all about presenation (Score 1) 284

It's all about how you present the security awareness. Start by asking a simple question: "Do you care about your profile/account/access?" Then keep it simple from there. Just one or two one-lined paragraphs or bulletpoints, or a video lasting max 30 seconds. Use emotions and feelings and pack it all up with kittens and upbeat indie music. That is how you get it into the skulls of the mediocre masses.

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The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
