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Comment my wife's Lumia 920 has been returned (Score 3, Informative) 391

Thanks to the joy of distance selling regulations, my wife has had her Lumia 920 returned. It, after a day, decided to freeze approximately 30 minutes after every power cycle. Not only that, the wireless charging doesn't work properly and the operating system is slightly clunky in places (moreso than windows phone 7.5 which tbh wasn't all that bad). It would be a good device if it wasn't for these issues. Oh and the music app is basically a large advertising platform. I've just dumped my Lumia 710 for a Nexus 4, which so far seems reasonable but not anything overly special. She has gone back to her Galaxy ace.

Comment Why so much hate for TI? (Score 1) 245

Some points which need to be made: The 83/84 platform does fine for education, which is what it's there for. It's not like it suddenly becomes useless one day because the world of maths has changed so drastically. The only reason it is used is that educators have invested a lot of time in the platform which is illogical to waste. Also, if you know your crap, you will know that there is a higher end machine (the n-spire cas) which does everything any other high end device would. I own two as they are so damn useful. They have 200Mhz ARM CPUs in them and literally run rings around everything else and are fully symbolic with unit awareness and programming capability in basic and Lua. Also if you buy a new calc, you're an idiot. The second hand price is low.

Comment Re:Been down this path... (Score 1) 245

If you actually had a process with holes large enough for that to get through, I have no sympathy. You should be automatically building the production artefacts from the source control. There should be no intermediate process where someone can throw something in.

Ego should be isolated from production.

Our developers can only check out/check in and we keep deployment to two well trusted specialist guys who have been with us for 10 years. We also audit every damn line of code that goes in the repo.

Even though I'm in charge of the whole process model, I have to comply with the rules as well. Someone always reads my code before it goes out and there is always test coverage.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 141

Hell I've been dissed by Theo a couple of times. They were entirely justified. I picked myself up and didn't fuck up again. If you can't take it, don't go to the fight.

Comment We don't have anything. (Score 1) 320

We don't have any management or service boxes. Everything is appliances (cisco/HP) or off site (exchange, CRM). Our AD servers act as the time servers for the hosting environment. We don't want to manage anything else as it all takes away from the bottom line and eats fairly expensive rack space.

Comment Re:Already here, kinda (Score 1) 285

Most of those cores are DSPs. x86 variants are crap for DSP related operations. TBH x86 is crappy for pretty much everything.

The way we should be going is reconfigurable logic. For example when an mp3 is played, the device is reconfigured to contain a hardware codec. This can work on an async clock so it will only tick on data availability. When it's not being played, it turns of the macrocells that it was built on. There should be analogue and digital macrocells which can take on the RF and computational duties respectively.

The problem is that this is hard.

Comment Anonymise the details and stick it on pastebin (Score 1) 168

Move hosts, leave it a few weeks, then anonymise the details and stick it on pastebin. Don't leave a trace. Seriously, just do this. Most shared hosting companies don't give a shit about their customers so you're not going to get anywhere by telling them other than a legal case filed against you.

Comment Re:Why do people go.. (Score 1) 313

It used to be for the free merchandise that people went there. Now it's because people are just mental.

Back in the early 90's my father used to go to CeBit wearing a tidy suit with a pocket full of fake business cards. You'd be surprised at the stuff he screwed out of people by looking the part. That was why people went. Not to look at the new products, which were mainly crap.

Now it is Stevie B's sweaty ape-like figure prancing across the stage link a baboon with hemorrhoids after a vindaloo which drooling dropped mouths foam at the prospect of another half finished fad that probably won't sell because someone will sue them off the planet for it being round or something within the week.

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