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The Courts

Four Google Officials Facing Charges In Italy For Errant Video 153

mikesd81 writes to tell us that four Google employees may be facing charges of defamation and failure to control personal data simply because they didn't remove a video of a boy with Down's Syndrome being harassed and eventually hit over the head with a box of tissue, from Google Video. The video was posted in September of 2006 and was removed by Google within a day of receiving the initial complaints, but apparently that isn't fast enough. "Google maintains charges against the employees are unwarranted, Pancini said. Europe's E-commerce Directive exempts service providers from prescreening content before it is publicly posted, he said. Also, the video was technically uploaded to a Google server in the US, not in Italy, Pancini said. 'It was a terrible video,' Pancini said, adding that Google is concerned about the case's impact on censorship on the Internet. The defendants include David C. Drummond, a Google senior vice president, corporate development and chief legal officer. Pancini said Drummond did paperwork to create Google Italy, but has never lived in the country."
Operating Systems

Submission + - Coupon Hacker sued for breaching DMCA (wired.com)

Virgil Tibbs writes: "With a strange new twist, the DMCA is being used to combat coupon hacker, John Stottlemire
He is alleged to have posted instructions that allowed shoppers to circumvent copy protection on downloadable, printable coupons and is now on the receiving end of a lawsuit from Coupons Inc. However he claims he is not at odds with the DMCA:

"All I did was erase files or registry keys," he says. "Nothing was hacked. Nothing was decoded that was any way, shape or form in the way the DMCA was written."
The case continues..."

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