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Comment Re:Failure after 3 months? (Score 1) 179

Google does have stupid geniuses too

To understand why it failed you must understand what is wave : groupware

Nat was in town, and he stopped by to say hi and chat, and he said, "So we've got this big pile of code we're going to release, and we're going to build an open source wave/groupware system! It's going to be awesome!"

And I said, "Jesus Mother of Fuck, what are you thinking! Do not strap the 'Groupware' albatross around your neck! That's what killed Netscape, are you insane?" He looked at me like I'd just kicked his puppy.

read more on jwz
http://jwz.livejournal.com/444651.html and more http://www.jwz.org/doc/groupware.html

and it was written in an "enterprise language" like cobol err Java and in gwt , they practically
murdered java script with that crap and the format for transfering wave data :xml documents
hint it looks more like exchange system and if you wonder why it failed? think sharepoint
and it was addopted by eterprise type systems like : novel , sap and that was the target i think
people who receive messages into a big inbox and where they should reply to support messages for example

i will install pygowave http://pygowave.net/ at my work place http://reea.net/
and i think it will make a a good platform for collaboration : think one big #irc channel where documents and messages can be shared (but from browser) , if i think well maybe skype is better on that

ps: reinventing the mail system is a bad idea when you already have ....gmail (that sucks too but for that i will write another episode) and it was a bad idea that i was alone in my wave
i was expecting something like facebook with hundreds of friends and invites and lot's of spam from the apps but it was just an empty enterprise exchange type system

funny shnitz this is what google wave https://wave.google.com/wave/?pli=1 told me today in my inbox
What do you want to master? I want an Free as in freedom wave
something like http://identi.ca/ alternative for propietary twitter system
in fact you can contact me on the pygowave , it's open it's free and you don't need an invite
you just join the system

Comment Re:...And one generation behind on HTML5 (Score 1) 341

it's very important to have almost realtime javascript
this is needed so i can play chess 3d

or quake 2 in the browser


there is only one thing they shuold scrap from the browser to make it speedier svg and all that is xml related, all the interface should be painted in opengl with data residing in json format, something like QML


Comment deacreasing costs with OpenSource (Score 1) 217

I would replace the oracle/mssql (+windows) monsters with better alternatives
like Ubuntu/Debian (or insert your preferred distro ) with an open source SQL database like Firebird , postgresql or mysql

i would really need a 12 core monster for my servers and with Firebird Classic or with SupperClassic

Submission + - Firebird 2.5 RC1 released (firebirdsql.org)

mAriuZ writes: The primary goal for Firebird 2.5 was to establish the basics for a new threading architecture that is almost entirely common to the Superserver, Classic and Embedded models, taking in lower level synchronization and thread safety generally. Although SQL enhancements are not a primary objective of this release, for the first time, user management becomes accessible through SQL USER statements

NVidia Cripples PhysX "Open" API 393

An anonymous reader writes "In a foot-meet-bullet type move, NVidia is going to disable PhysX engine if you are using a display adapter other than one that came from their company. This despite the fact that you may have an NVidia card on your system specifically to do this type of processing. 'For a variety of reasons some development expense, some quality assurance and some business reasons Nvidia will not support GPU accelerated PhysX with Nvidia GPUs while GPU rendering is happening on non-Nvidia GPUs.' Time to say hello to Microsoft dx physics or Intel's Havok engine."

Submission + - Arora is default full featured browser in Kubuntu (kubuntu.org)

mAriuZ writes: "Arora is a simple cross platform web browser whose feature list includes things like "History" and "Bookmarks". It has a small code base and loads of fun to hack on. Benjamin Meyer originally created as a demo for Qt to help test the QtWebKit component and find API issues and bugs before the release Arora works with almost all websites and offers nice features like HTML 5, but needs some more features to give it the same parity as existing browsers. Arora should work with Web 2.0 websites we consider to be critical to our users. These include Slashdot, GMail, Google Calendar, Facebook, Flickr, Youtube, Yahoo and of course kubuntu.org."

Comment started my own engine - firebird (Score 1) 335

I'm already sick of innodb and myisam issues also falcon and maria are in alpha/pre alpha stages
maybe it's easier to write an new engine for an stable db like firebird/postgresql
I will post my progress on this page

ahh by the way firebird engine is stable for more that 20 years (triggers/transactions are normal things from that time)


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