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Submission + - Citi Bike "Smart" Helmet Navigates to the Nearest Station by Adafruit (

coop0030 writes: Add GPS, compass navigation & visibility with LEDs to a helmet that helps you find your way to the closest Citi Bike station in New York City. Powered by Adafruit's FLORA, a wearable electronics platform. With a detailed tutorial, you can build the helmet, and customize it to work in most cities with a bike share as well.

Submission + - How To Start A Hackerspace: The Essential Hackerspace Checklist (

coop0030 writes: Eric Michaud, co-founder of PSOne and HacDC has created “The List” – it is the direct result of the overwhelming interest in starting Hackerspaces that hit his inbox. When so many people asked for help with the very basics of starting and running a successful Hackerspace, he compiled this list to make it as easy as possible for potential Hackerspace founders to hit the ground running (and not forget anything important). Since then, “the list” has been distributed and shared within Hackerspace culture. It has helped with structuring the success of many Hackerspaces – and hopefully with this update and public release, it will serve as a handy go-to checklist for your awesome Hackerspace-to-be.

Comment GPIO to USB library as well (Score 2) 106

Not mentioned in the summary is a useful open source library to convert GPIO button presses to USB keyboard commands for the emulators. It uses minimal system resources, which is always good when working with the Raspberry Pi. You should be able to easily modify it to support more than the joystick and two buttons.

Submission + - Retro Gaming with Raspberry Pi (

coop0030 writes: Thanks to the affordable Raspberry Pi and some clever software, anyone can re-create the classic arcade experience at home. Adafruit brings the genuine “clicky” arcade controls, you bring the game files and a little crafting skill to build it. Classic game emulation used to require a well-specced PC and specialized adapters for the controls, so it’s exciting to see this trickle down to a $40 system. Also, a video of the game system is on youtube.

Submission + - Glowing Chuck Taylor All Star Sneakers

coop0030 writes: Becky Stern, at Adafruit, has created a tutorial on how to modify a pair of Chuck Taylor All Star Sneakers to make them glow. All you need is EL panel and an inverter tucked into the tongue of your shoe to get the stars in your Chuck Taylors glowing. Two styles! Watch the video on YouTube (please subscribe!), and catch the complete tutorial on the Adafruit Learning System.

Submission + - Makerbot and Adafruit team up for a special limited edition MakerBot (

coop0030 writes: "MakerBot and Adafruit have joined together to bring the latest technology to electronic and 3D printing enthusiasts with a partnership offering a Limited Edition MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer with special Adafruit kits inside. It will come with three of Adafruit’s most popular kits – the Timesquare DIY Watch Kit, the MintyBoost Kit, and Adafruit’s most popular Raspberry Pi. The Limited Edition Adafruit MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer will be available beginning March 14, 2013, online at and the MakerBot Store in New York City will offer the three Adafruit kits as companion accessories."

Submission + - Wearable open-source VU meter LED tie (

coop0030 writes: "Becky Stern, of Adafruit Industries, has created a necktie that lights up like a VU meter. A Volume Unit (VU) meter or Standard Volume Indicator (SVI) is a device displaying a representation of the signal level in audio equipment. The project that uses an Electret Microphone Amplifier to trigger 16 Flora NeoPixels sewn with conductive thread along the length of a tie. The NeoPixels are controlled by a Flora running an Atmega32u4 chip."

Submission + - Hardware Hacker Ladyada to talk with the President today at 4:50pm EST (

coop0030 writes: "Open source hardware hacker, Limor Fried of Adafruit Industries, was selected to join President Obama in a Fireside Hangout this Thursday 2/14 at 4:50pm EST on Google+. Limor will be talking to the President live about manufacturing and education. You can submit your questions to and the President will answer questions that are voted to the top."

Submission + - Announcing Adafruit Gemma – Miniature wearable electronic platform (

coop0030 writes: "Open source hardware company, Adafruit, has announced a new tiny wearable electronics platform board called the Gemma. The Gemma is a tiny 1 inch diameter, and 4mm thick package. It's powered by an Attiny85 and programmable with an Arduino IDE over USB. There are 3 available I/O pins, one of which is also an analog input and two which can do PWM output. Gemma is currently wrapping up development, but should be available soon."

Submission + - Circuit Playground plushies a perfect post-Xmas toy for hacker kids (

coop0030 writes: "CNET writes: It's a little late for Christmas presents, but if you throw a little time-machine action into the mix, this might be the perfect gift for the hacker kid in your life: Circuit Playground plushies. The plushies are the newest product from Adafruit Industries, a leader in the open-source hardware world and the maker of a wide range of products for hackers young and old. As Adafruit wrote about the new plushies on its Web site, "We know it's hard to figure exactly what will spark a young mind on to the journey towards science, technology, engineering, art, math and more — we wish we had these when were young.""

Submission + - Adafruit to Teach Electronics Through Puppets in New Kids' Show (

coop0030 writes: "Wired has an article up about how Adafruit, the kit-based electronics retailer and promoter of hobbyist engineering, is aiming to teach electronics to a younger demographic. So young that they’re enlisting the help of puppets. Their new online show, titled Circuit Playground, will teach the essentials of electronics and circuitry to children through kid-friendly dolls with names like Cappy the Capacitor and Hans the 555 Timer Chip. Limor “Ladyada” Fried, Adafruit’s founder and chief engineer (and 2012 Entrepreneur of the Year), will host the episodes, with her team assisting with onscreen and puppeteering duties. Episodes will premiere this March, and Fried holds hope for them to help inspire the next generation of designers and builders."
Open Source

Submission + - Open-source hardware hacker Ladyada awarded Entrepreneur of the Year (

ptorrone writes: "Limor "Ladyada" Fried of open-source hardware company Adafruit Industries was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year by Entrepreneur Magazine. From the article — "Recognizable by her signature vivid-pink locks, Fried (or Ladyada, as she is known on the internet) is one of the dominant forces behind the maker movement--a legion of do-it-yourself-minded folks who create cool things by tweaking everyday technology. Last year New York City-based Adafruit did a booming $10 million trade in sales of DIY open-source electronic hardware kits"."

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