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Comment Re:Let the Polar Cap Melt (Score 2) 412

Except that Russia is not good place to do business (at least for manufacturing):

Endemic levels of corruption (higher than even China), a for sale judiciary, a regime that is intent on scaring away foreign capital, workforce that unsuited for large scale Chinese style factory deployment, oligarchical control of existing infrastructure and government, nontransparent capital markets, the list goes on and on.

Comment Missing the Best Quote (Score 1) 642

"Live tiles turned start screen into “incessantly blinking, unruly environment that feels like dozens of carnival barkers yelling at you simultaneously."

"Give me the zen garden calm of Steve Jobs' "less is more" approach to interface design any day."

These are two best quotes from this article and the comments section.

Comment Mitt Romney (Score 4, Funny) 717

There will be no next Obama administration. Didn't you see that last presidential debate?

Obama is too stupid and lazy to be president.

Mitt knows that it isn't possible to "heal the planet", (insert Romney smirk here), or begin to slow the rise of the oceans.

So when Mittens is elected all of these silly MPG ratings will be rolled back once we achieve North American energy independence.

Comment Riskulous (Score 2, Informative) 216

The game of Risk (also a Hasbro property) has a multitude of imitations around the web, one of which is my web-based version, called Grand Strategy (www.denizengames.com). I've heard from the creators of other Risk games that they have been threatened by Hasbro if they have used Risk trademarks. I believe that the precedent is fairly clear: Hasbro and other corporate entities won't touch you if you stay away from trademarks, game rules cannot be copyrighted.

What's amazing is how poorly done Scrabulous is. The site design, flow and presentation are incredibly weak. A fair amount of the site appears to be "under construction". And they're going to pay tens of millions for that?

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