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Comment How about small engines? (Score 1) 432

I have a number of small engines ( 2 and 4 cycle). The local small-engine shop will cancel the warranty if you use anything but 100% gas. My Husqvarna chainsaw states, in the manual and in bold letters, to ONLY use 100% gas in the 2-cycle mix. It's out of warranty and for a while I tried e10. Ended up replacing all the lines and rebuilding the carburetor last summer.

Luckily, there a several stations here that still still it.

Comment Re:Um... (Score 2) 394

We're not talking about Microsoft, we're talking g about Stallman. I support him about as much as I support Balmer (which is zero). Acting like a ass because your enemy does not make you look any better.

Fact is, he and Linus need to get off their fucking high-horse.

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