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Comment Re:They don't itemize enough (Score 1) 520

If carriers are going to make termination fees proportional, why not just itemize the subsidy as a "handset finance payment" on the bill?

Now there's an idea that makes sense. Let's get back to the simpler times and be upfront about what's actually going on. Only problem with that, is that then people would realize just how much they're actually paying? $60/mo? No problem. $600 for a phone? You're crazy!

Comment Re:USB, people ... USB (Score 1) 656

Excellent point, I'm sure you're right. That said, though, Apple
expects their users to install iTunes, why is it so unreasonable for Palm to expect their users
to install something? What are they smoking? Personally, I have to agree with the USBIF (I know, your post says nothing about which side is right). In my mind, using another vendors hardware ID amounts to nothing more than identity theft. You or I would get arrested if we used someone else's ID. :)

Comment Re:Annoying process, but still worth it. (Score 4, Interesting) 509

Amen to all of the things you said. I'm struggling right now with the capricious nature of the review process. My app is a gesture based music player with larger fonts, designed to make using your iPhone/touch in the car much safer. It was approved at the OS 3.0 launch, but a few bugs cropped up at the last second. I submitted a bug fix three days later, but it *still* hasn't been posted. Last week Apple rejected the update claiming it duplicates the functionality of the iPod app without sufficient differentiation. Really? Then how come you didn't pull the app completely (instead of just blocking the update)? And since when has the iPod music player offered gesture based navigation to change songs, etc? And why'd you approve it in the first place? Give me a break. I love Apple, but this has GOT to change. I keep hoping it's just because they're overloaded, but let's hire more people already!

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FlickTunes (iTunes)

Comment Re:Frustrating For Developers (Score 1) 149

I totally agree. Although my initial app submission was approved relatively quickly, I've had some pending bug fixes for over three weeks now to address the occasional glitch. Then they turn around and reject the update citing the dreaded "Your application duplicates the functionality of the built-in iPhone application iPod without providing sufficient differentiation or added functionality, which will lead to user confusion." Then why'd you approve it in the first place? Oddly enough, they didn't reject the app completely, it's still available, just the update. I've appealed of course, but... The worst part is there's no-one you can TALK to. It's email only, which they may or may not answer. Arg!

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FlickTunes (website)
FlickTunes (iTunes link)

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