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Comment Re:Red light / green light (Score 1) 1440

In general I think this cop is an asshat -with one exception. People at the front of the line of a "left-only" lane. Nothing enrages me more than when someone takes 10 seconds to start driving when that left turn green arrow comes up. The thing only lasts ~10 seconds and I can't count the number of times I see only 1 or 2 cars get through it. If you're in front of the line - PAY ATTENTION!

Otherwise regular lights are long enough I don't find it that big a deal if someone slows me up a few seconds.

Comment Re:Blackberry OS (Score 2) 89

I make no statement about which OS is the best, but to say Android's main competitor is the Windows Phone is just silly. Hate Apple as much as you like, but Android is Apple's main competitor - Windows and BB are distant also-rans at the point. Hopefully that changes as competition is good for us.

Comment Re:Shill service (Score 4, Interesting) 169

At $2 an episode, tv watching adds up quickly. I (and almost everyone I know) vastly prefer netflix's model. Just look at the lack of success of historic pay-per-view channels. Yeah, people will occasionally pay for it, but generally it's something people do very rarely (like once every few years).

Just last week I was sick with the flu for several days - so I loaded up the most recent seasons of Mad Men and Breaking Bad - binged on them while I was sick and couldn't really do anything else. There's no way in hell I would have done this with the pay-per-view model as I would have blown ~$20/day on it.

Comment Re:Of course the application wasn't free (Score 4, Informative) 176

I post this every time another MarsOne piece of fundraising comes up. So here goes again....

I really wish people would stop posting MarsOne propaganda. It's a scam, pure and simple. It's been pointed out time and time again that their team is primarily artists and PR people. Just look here for yourself:


Of the 7 people listed there's: an artist, an editor, a communication specialist, a communications director, and an MD. There's only 2 people who could conceivably have any expertise on getting to Mars.

They did an interview (AMA) on reddit and were torn apart:


They lack any coherent plan on how they're going to even test their technology, let alone actually get people to Mars. Stop looking towards entertainers to do what you know will require a massive engineering effort. These people are after free press and free money.


Comment Re:Gates, Obama, Damon on Opting Out of P.S. (Score 1) 1255

Someone with $40 Billion dollars might just have a different set of standards for his child's education. What I think might be perfectly okay would be unacceptable to Bill Gates because the school doesn't have it's own zoo filled with regrown dinosaurs. I agree that there are problems with the school system we have set up, but just because these people want something else doesn't necessarily make it time to panic.

Comment Re:Another damned collectivist (Score 1) 1255

Public schools are funded primarily through the collection of property taxes from people within that community. It doesn't matter if you have no kids, or if you kids go to a private school - you still pay these taxes. Private schools are usually financed purely through tuition and donations - there is essentially 0 public funding of private schools.

To be honest this system is far from perfect, but the system you described seems batshit crazy. Government funding private schools? What's the point of them being "private"?

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