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Comment Re:We don't care... (Score 1) 255

I'm sorry, but 90% of America doesn't care. All they want is whatever is popular and trendy, and most of them don't know or care about innovation until its already done and implemented in their new iPoodonthefloor. That's when they're like "OMG I don't need this but I can't see how I lived without it before!"

Comment Really? O_o (Score 1) 370

Dear sweet baby jeebus, I know that by nature human's are resistant to change, but this is stupid. People really think the Windows 7 start menu was confusing? It confuses me how anyone could be confused by such a simple interface. And whining about a huge field of icons on the Start screen in Windows 8... really? Organize them you morons, it's not difficult, check out my desktop: I press the Windows key, click on one icon, and my program launches. It doesn't get any simpler than that. Evolve, learn, adapt, or die. If you're not moving forward, you're moving backwards. I think that's enough clichés for you to get my point.

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