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Comment Re:If I were to find one... (Score 1) 222

Sure according to your moral code of "do unto others things that they better never do to me" its completely moral. Ethical, no. Obviously taking a phone and not attempting to return it to its owner who may have videos, messages, and photos that they can never replicate is not ethical behavior. Lucky for you, as western societies continue their slow degrade towards complete egocentric living abandoning Christ focused values like service and sacrifice, the 50% that agree that your unethical behavior is moral will multiply eventually rewriting societal mores making it quasi-ethical.

Comment Re:Man whose job relies on the scientific method.. (Score 1) 743

Woah woah woah. Quiet down there snowgirl. You keep talking like that and people will realize that you have to change and adapt to fit into a working society. That everyone isn't really required to reward you for continuing to be the way you were born. That being born with certain predispositions doesn't provide a good reason for making everyone in the world accommodate you and that if you can adapt to society then it is your responsibility to do so. That being abnormal isn't just societies problem but is in fact one's own problem. Oh noez, your on a slippery slope here.

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