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Submission + - Amnesty releases anti-spying program for activists 1

mrspoonsi writes: Amnesty International has released a program that can spot spying software used by governments to monitor activists and political opponents. The Detekt software was needed as standard anti-virus programs often missed spying software, it said. Amnesty said many governments used sophisticated spying tools that could grab images from webcams or listen via microphones to monitor people. Karl Zetterlund, a senior researcher at security firm Sentor, said the needs of law enforcement were understandably different to those of the average cyberthief. "Criminals are mainly interested in information that can somehow generate money. Law enforcement spyware may only need to collect a few pieces of identifying information, such as a net address, from the computer," he said. "Generally, policeware may be better at hiding, as normal malware often aims for strength in numbers and spreading is more important than passing under the radar." There had also been cases in the past, he said, when computer security companies collaborated with governments to ignore spyware they found planted on machines.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 184

Yes, certainly if they are the invading force and they have lengthened supply lines anyway. Interesting actually, what will happen when global warming flips the switch and parts of the world are dropped into permanent winter; will the US be as dominant in the new ice age?

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 184

That's a good question about armies not fighting in the winter - I thought it was because of military strategy training that should surely point to the failures of the French and German armies when facing foes during the winter.

Comment What? (Score 3, Informative) 184

I think either the BBC article or the /. summary is incorrect. It's well known /damn obvious that extreme climactic events cause violence in society. What's new is that they can correlate with numbers, "for each 1 standard deviation (1) change in climate toward warmer temperatures or more extreme rainfall, median estimates indicate that the frequency of interpersonal violence rises 4% and the frequency of intergroup conflict rises 14%." The /. summary is misleading and could cause the casual reader to pass by the article because it seems over obvious.

Comment Re:Here's an idea (Score 1) 249

In England the change over of Dr Who actors is now treated like a big celebrity event - it's in all the papers, TV, magazines. The BBC knows what it's doing - Eccleston taught them that lesson --- lots of publicity and celebrity news for what is a pretty weak show in many respects. Obviously Eccleston was the true inheritor of Tom Baker's mantle, but that's just for us to agree on... ;)

Comment Re:Who the hell wants an Ubuntu phone? (Score 1) 113

Sadly, it'll never come back - all those generations of kids who won't look in wonder at smooth scrolling orange-on-black text user interfaces - I feel for them ;) Though you know I actually feel much happier about well designed touch interfaces --- they have the same magic for me. I think WIMP - especially M - has failed, and Touch is the true descendent of text user interfaces. Not sure why I feel like that.

Comment Re:Who the hell wants an Ubuntu phone? (Score 1) 113

I think it doesn't suit everyone, but it's not just newbies who like it - I'm no newbie myself and I've used vast numbers of systems (CP/M, DEC, AS400 thru to NeXT and Windows) and whilst I still long for the days of lovely orange screen character-only UIs, I actually have grown to love Unity.

Comment Re:Comparison... (Score 1) 446

When I was 14 we put together electric circuits on a cheeseboard; the capacitor on mine blew up and a fragment would have hit my eye and blinded me if it wasn't for my sturdy NHS spectacles. Those were the grand days before we had sissy things like safety specs.

Of course I'm being a bit precious here - an eye patch for life would have been cool right?

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